
Has USA had its day - China is the new king?

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Before it was the UK, then USA, now all lets hail China!




  1. no.  chinese have the advantage of finesse sports which were being played from the opening day.  (aside from weight lifting)  There are still a couple diving medals, a few gymnastic, table tennis/badmonton... and a few surprises here and there.  But USA will evenually catch up and make it a close race.

    By the way, it's a misconception that track and field belongs to USAThey only got about 8 golds last time.  Sprinting is Jamaica, pole vault/ high jump belongs to the russians (not sure), Shotput Polish?  marathon belongs to africans like ETH.

    It's not to say US ain't strong in these events.  They have a fair chance of getting good in all the track events.  but you will not find the type of dominance US displayed in the men's pool largely thanks to Phelps.

  2. The US could have stayed on top for centuries, but Rush Limbaugh and the talk radio industry convinced enough people to vote for Bush that the crooked Republican judges on the supreme ct. could install him as prez in 2000 and the country was doomed.  A huge budget surplus became the hugest deficit in the history of the human race, the dollar is collapsing, our economy is in shambles.  The country  committed suicide by letting the crooked Republican judges insert Bush into our body politic.  Its a shame.  Its a defective system with unbelievably stupid citizens if it let this happen. Maybe  democracy was a stupid idea, obviously people aren't capable of keeping their freedom, or their healthy economy, or competent government.  Maybe China has the right idea, keeping power out of the hands of stupid people like the idiots who voted for Bush, and keeping the media under control so it can't con stupid people into voting for incompetents and corrupt leaders like Bush who destroy everything they touch.  

  3. The USA states are like separate countries anyway and all of Europe do better than the USA.  

  4. If Olympic committee sets 40 games in diving & table tennis, China will win much more medals than usa.  So it's an unfair setup and very political.

  5. Well USA and China both have great qualities... in different places. They are both well developed and great competitors in the olympics =]. So you can basically choose who's better, people always have different opinions.

  6. Wait until after the track and field. That's where the USA will get its medals.

  7. you have a valid point  

  8. A resounding YES!!

  9. this question isnt worth answering but i get 2 points for doing so.woohoo-----was this a political question?wow i messed up then

  10. It will happen if America don't solve its own economic problems

  11. Its the beginning of the end.

  12. Not yet dude, olympic medals don't mean everything, China still has a long way to go before it can reach the lvl of US, but again, they had been the most powerful nation in the world for over 4000 years( Roman was a joke compare to Han if you know anything about world history), Genghis Khan beat them, but how ironic it only took 100 years for Mongols to become a minority of Chinese, and yes, there is no reason to believe America will be on top of China forever.

  13. Are you talking about the Olympics or world economics?

    I doubt the UK ever lead the world in the Olympics to such an extent as China is now or USA has in the past....but yes it would appear the USA's reign as gold medal leader is over.

    It doesn't matter though. I support each athlete, especially the one's who didn't get help from their country to get to Games but who made it there on their own.

  14. America's economy is crumbling into dust but its not the beginning of the end. The U.S. is always and always will be strong but China is rising fast. The "sun" is just shining on a different country now.. that's how it has always been in history.

  15. I hate the way the Americans still think they have to "most medals" overall.

    It is not even calculated like that, besides if china had one gold and usa had 30 silver, China still wins

    Oh and yes China is the new king

  16. USA still leads in overall medals, so let's not get carried away...

  17. I guess the world has forgotten the Si Chuan disaster already...  

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