
Has Venus Williams ruined the sport of tennis for women?

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It turns most of us men off watching this unattractive woman who is built more like a wrestler than a real women.




  1. You're kind of right. She is really built like a wrestler.

  2. well first of all, tennis is not a sport to watch their bodys and how pretty they are...if you want to watch those kinda of women watch something like a fashion show...venus is an excellent player...although she might be not as pretty as others she has by far the better game on grass.  ans besides, she has done soo much good for womens tennis...she along with billie jean king spoke for equal pay for both mens champions and womens champions at the grand slams...and besides she isnt that bad looking, shes just very tall

  3. perhaps you mean serena williams? she is the muscular one. venus is tall and slender and very athletic. you can't expect all hot babes playing tennis (although there are quite a few) but i wouldn't go as far as they "ruined" tennis. i don't follow williams sister's game because i don't like their play style, so do like i do, change channel.

    if you want to watch attractive women strictly, there are all kinds of beauty pageants and swimsuit competitions.

  4. yes

    she is bad

    no offense, venus fans

  5. My Dude I see where your coming from but you have to Google her and you might see it differently. Black people and white people have completely different tastes in women.

  6. Venus really helped women's tennis because she spoke about  raising the prize money for tournaments on the womens side to equal the mens. So she is standing up for female tennis players because she is giving a point that women and men should be equal in tennis.

  7. I respect Venus as a player but, to be honest, she is a milf. Ivanovic is by far the most attractive player.

  8. Last time I checked, women's tennis was still about TENNIS.

    haha and what about SERENA?! she's the one built like a wrestler.

  9. womens tennis is not just for u  men to look at the bodies. venus is a very good player and u should respect her. guys like to look at sharapova b4 venus. I know that!

    but a lot of women watch womens tennis.

    i don't think they look at the girl's bodies except if their L*****n...

  10. Did you have the same problem with Martina Navratilova (or Margaret Court back in the day)?  I realize with Venus's strength and aggressive style of play, it can seem a bit unfair at times, but never forget that anyone can choke if they take an opponent too lightly.  As for the real thrust of your question - tennis has not usually been about pin-up girl looks.  It is an athletic endeavor and those who compete ought to be judged as such...

  11. go jump in a lake....... venus rocks..............

  12. Uh, what are you talking about?

    Have you seen Venus in the latest American Vogue magazine?  She has a better body for modeling eveningwear than most actresses.  And, she is very interesting looking.  I would hire her to model eveningwear over most WTP players.  

    As for her face, the features say calm and graceful as well as ability to exert energy and hard work.

    Venus is great for women's tennis.

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