
Has Weekenders Clothing gone out of business?

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A sales rep told us that the original owner retired three months ago, and all of a sudden the website states there are technical difficulties. Weekenders is closed???




  1. I deeply affected by this  news.

    I heard from that  weekenders were going to Change their  name  and it was  because of the new designer that was  hired in may coming on board.

    I knew  weekenders  would  have to declare bankruptcy. To falsilatate this I left the company 4 weeks ago altough I did not let the company know.

    I have  had back orders now  for 3 months. I will tell you that If I end  up being  right on this I will  not be returning to  the company no matter what they offer me.

    I will  pray for all the  other coordinators who are suckered back  in

  2. there was an organic designer hired  by weekenders. She wanted a peice of the pie. So weekenders went bankrupt they will bounce back under as new name soon. I hope coordinators  are  that naive they will go back  on board

  3. Yes, they have:  Weekenders Global filed for bankruptcy protection on Monday.  Do be cautious when dealing with all former Weekenders, because many people involved with MLM (multi-level marketing) "companies" like Weekenders are excellent salespeople, smooth-talking charmers, and ambitiously greedy.  When the chips are down, they know how to head for the hills!

  4. Sherilyn,

    Please don't start slamming companies that you had a bad experience w/.  There are a people who've had success and people who haven't in every company, direct sales or otherwise.

    Direct sales is a wonderful industry to be a part of.  And tons of companies to choose from.  I recommend finding a product line that you are excited about.  Go w/ that company.  You'll be able to sell what you enjoy.

    Good luck everyone!

  5. To Rich:

    In respone to your post about Lia Keeping (aka "her hieness"):

    Just to let you know, Lia and her husband both worked for weekenders and were of course affected by the bankruptcy, probably more than anyone as now neither of them has a job.  She is a very classy lady (with 2 kids) and it is very callous of you to think that she is unaffected.  She was the only one who actually took it upon herself to email the managers and coordinators to let them know what was happening.  You should be directing your anger at someone who deserves it: the two partners who ran it into the ground rather than someone who actually did care!

  6. One of my friends has been with Weekenders as a Unit Manager for 10 years and she confirmed that it is true. Sad - very sad! I sincerely doubt most of the now former Weekenders Coordinators will be in any frame of mind to jump into another direct sales business right away, you buzzards!! These ladies are hurting and you are pouncing on them: Tisk, tisk!

    Unfortunately, many are using this tragedy to capitalize on the moment and to further their own personal agenda. That said, I've been a participant in direct sales all of my adult life (15 years with my current company) and have found that life happens no matter where you are and what you choose to participate in. What is important is personal integrity and bashing Mary Kay or promoting your own business for your PERSONAL GAIN is inappropriate in this forum at this time.

    I can only imagine how shocked, sad, betrayed and lost the reps must be right now. I would never dream of taking advantage of their distress: Drop to your knees and repent!

    If you know any of these ladies, they need compassion and they need a shoulder for a while: Love on them and be their friend!!!

  7. Here is the quote from her hieness she is really affected...all the co-ordinators who are left holding the bag when it comes to customers orders...will have to see what happens..and wether there is any integrity left to at least meet the outstanding orders or offer full refunds....

    "----- Original Message -----


    Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 1:18 PM

    Subject: [Bulk] Urgent message from Lia to pass on to your unit

    Dear Managers and Coordinators,

    It is with much sadness that I tell you effective immediately, Weekenders Global has declared bankruptcy.

    Our owners have ceased all operations in all countries effective immediately. We all know that our company has been struggling for the past few years. Unfortunately, the end has come, faster than anyone could have predicted and I still find it hard to believe, as I was informed at 11:30 this morning. This is not the way I wanted to tell you, unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I did not find out in time to set up a call or to call you directly as I would have wished, please understand that..

    We are doing everything possible to fill all orders and backorders for orders received up to and including noon today Monday, June 9.

    I want each and every one of you to know how much the past 23 years have meant to me, how much YOU have meant to me.  You have helped me grow both personally and professionally and in so many ways. The opportunity that  Weekenders provided has been the best thing that ever happened to me and to you too! You are a dynamic, knowledgeable, classy, fun and utterly fantastic group of women. I am so thankful to have known you, worked with you, cried with you and most of all laughed with you.

    I am so proud of you, what you have accomplished and the amazing skills that each and every one of you possess. Take pride in who you are, always remember how proud and privileged I am to have been your friend, your colleague, your coach and your President. I hope you remember all the fun we had together and I am sure our paths will cross again.

    Please know, I am ok and I want you to be to.

    I love you.

    Lia "

  8. Apparently they have, and if they were a privately held company they would not necessarily have to file much in the way of paperwork.

    It's obvious that all the other MLMs and direct sales people are flocking here like vultures to fresh road kill.  ATTENTION ALL YOU MLM RECRUITERS!  SPAM IS AGAINST THE YAHOO ANSWERS GUIDELINES, AND WILL BE REPORTED.

  9. Rich, Oh Diana, wtcmom:

    This is what really happened. Had nothing to do with the new designer "wanting a piece of the action."

    23 years of success was wiped out in only a couple of years by a new partner who thought he knew it all. Happens to many companies by new upstart owners and/or partners.

    So if you don't know the facts then stop spreading false rumors including those regarding the hard working coordinators who have lost far more than any of you can ever know.

  10. I am sorry to hear that Weekenders is no longer.  How awful for the consultants.

    For the smart consultants, go get a real job with a regular paycheque and benefits.  Don't go to another direct selling/mlm scam er..I mean company.  

    I beg you NOT to go to Mary Kay.  You poor people will probably be hounded by consultants and directors telling you that it's a 'debt free' opportunity, but believe me it isn't.  I suggest you take the time to get over hurt and pain you must feel at this time.

    I wish you all the best.


    ****PS:  To people like Tiffany B below.  I am speaking the truth not slamming.  Obviously you haven't dealt with Mary Kay. If and when you have, then you can comment on it.  Falling in love with a product is great, but it doesn't mean it's good or that it will sell.  Most MLM are pyramids simply put!!

  11. I was a new coordinator (as of Fall 2007) and yes, apparently, Weekenders closed its doors as of noon on Monday. After, of course, we had all purchased our new spring/summer paks. Nice.

    A lot of hurt feelings, anger, surprise, etc.

    But the answer to your question is yes.

  12. They have closed there doors and coordinators are no longer able to order products at this point.  Also you will not be able to order products online.  It came as a shock to everyone involved.  Yes as far as we know weekenders is bankrupt and will not reorganize.  Maybe things will change but this is what we know now.

  13. I'm really sorry to hear that as I too know women that were Weekender consultants and I can't imagine not having any notice.

    I'm a consultant for Jockey which is very similar to Weekenders. Should any Weekenders want to continue their business just represent another line, maybe Jockey is a company to check out.

    You don't have  to worry about financial stability because we are a division of Jockey International.

    I'm available anytime to answer any questions you have.

    B. Verde

  14. Yes, Weekenders closed it doors. Weekenders has always been a company of high integrity. The original owners were men with high standards and integrity. The main priority of all management (from the president down) in Weekenders, was to take excellent care of its coordinators, managers and customers. Product quality was of up most importance as well.  Changes did not take place until the new management took over a few years ago. I can also say the managers and coordinators received excellent training when under the original owners. There was not a better company to work for. While it is tragic, many companies will benefit from the excellent training and the high caliber of the women they will hire from Weekenders. Any company would be honored to have these women as part of their companies.

  15. I read this and just had to respond to Cutie Pie.  In 2000,  I was a Star Director with another direct selling company who closed their doors abruptly - without any warning.  With 5 children under 9 and a six-figure income in the industry - my business had become my avenue for modeling success to my children and very much a part of my identity.

    I can tell you that there are already several Weekenders ladies that have joined my current downline and many more who are joining with some amazing, vibrant former Weekenders ladies that have joined us in the last year.  Waiting to join a company when you have a "homeless" downline is not the way to go.  Better to try to retain all that you've built and find another opportunity before your ladies move on without you.  I know this may sound a little harsh - but it's a fact!

    I know firsthand what it's like to have the rug pulled out from under you with a direct selling company closing it's doors and I would never wish that heartache on anyone - - - but there is a light at the end of the tunnel!  Just think of all the training, motivation and skills these ladies have to bring to the table with the right new company.  I know we are THRILLED to have an influx of Weekenders gals - - - the ones I know are fabulous at what they do!

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