
Has Wendy Venturini lost her credibility?

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I've always liked Wendy as a NASCAR reporter. But since her recent marriage to a JGR employee, she seems to be showing a little bit of bias.

What say you, NASCAR Nation?




  1. AH heck she picked Jr last week!

    She's married?!!!!!!    AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!   :(

  2. All I know is she's easy on my eyes.

  3. Well didnt know she got married, congrats to her.

    As for losing her credibility I dont think so.  I think she is fair all the way around.  

    And by the way   she did pick Kyle to win the race tonight.

  4. DId she have any credibility to begin with.  She is just eye candy from ESPN

  5. No, I don't think she's lost her credibility. I really haven't seen any bias.

  6. Aaah now! Wendy's too cute to loose her credibility!

  7. If she comes across with bias I think it will be accidental.  I don't think she'll risk her job for that.  I didn't really notice any bias yet, but I could have missed it.  Now I'll be watching and wondering just because I am more aware of it now.


  8. WHAT?!?!?!  

    Wendy got married?!?!?!?

    Dang...there goes my chance!  LMAO

    Seriously....she's not a hard-hitting journalist.... I don't see the bias or conflict of interest.  Keep smiling Wendy!

  9. i don't think so. heck, she's had a chance all year and hasn't picked kyle to win yet and you think that would have been a no-brainer. and didn't she win in the fantasy picks amongst the commentators last year, and she's led nearly all year this year as well. and most of her topics for her in-depth features have not been out of jgr. but you did leave out some additional possible bias - joey did run for venturini motorsports, and win, when the arca series returned to rockingham recently. wendy will always be tops in my book, jgr bias or not. she's more knowledgeable than any of the other female commentators, and moreso than probably most of the men as well. plus, she can wheel a bus better than the lot of them...


  10. She has not picked Rowdy Busch all yr, but I do think her heart is with JGR. I think she is great, but I never take to much of what she says to seriously..Lynn you and I are going to out numbered by the guys big time on this.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  11. I dont think so. If I had a relative in Nascar I would probably show bias too.(Guilty as charged) Ive watched her before in those school bus races up there in NC and she tenacious plus she has racing in her blood with I believe her dad or brother. I would rather watch her than Jimmy Spencer any day.

  12. Im with Bow-Legged Snake on this one.  Shes just to good lookin, she can do no wrong. :)

    She may privatly have a bias toward JGR but I dont hink she shows it on camera.  She asks the best questions and has best interviews.

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