
Has Youtube gone too far?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, I know Youtube is absolutely brilliant for music, but what about the other videos? People put videos of violence, inappropriate content and so on on Youtube, and it accepts them! What do you think?




  1. Just specify your searches and you will no longer encounter those problems.

  2. h**l no

  3. If you don't like it, don't watch it. If you don't want your kids to see it, don't let them use the internet, or make sure you know what they're doing on the internet. Not that difficult. People have the right to post whatever they want on the internet, and I think that's a great thing. Oh and by the way, it's not like they review every video that's posted to make sure it's appropriate. They just allow any video to be posted, and then allow users to flag it as inappropriate. So you shouldn't really say Youtube is going too far, you should say the people uploading inappropriate videos to Youtube are going too far.

  4. I totally agree- it's breeding a new kind of bullying that we have never seen before. They should be sued.  

  5. I tend to agree with your viewpoint! Some people have really misused this great channel

  6. If people want to upload that stuff then obviously others want to see it. So just because YOU dont like it doesnt mean others dont.

  7. no

  8. It is true that YouTube allows those kind of videos but kids can't see them.

    That's just the way YouTube is. Full of violence and sexual content.

  9. some of it is getting out of hand like those videos that have close to pornographic covers with top views because idiots just keep on clicking on them thinking there would be R rated material on youtube and i laugh at those idiots. still i swear it floods my searches and what not and my related videos somehow.

    BUT many young kids go on that site looking for funny videos and what not and when they encounter this stuff it makes them wonder. they might even GOOGLE it and my gosh the child goes watching p**n!

    so yea i think videos like that should be removed

    also there's a lot of people posting videos of how to get pirated (illegal) software! that to me is again fine, but isn't youtube supposed to remove them, some have 100 000 + views  

  10. Well they get thousands of videos posted an hour, thers no way they can view them all to censor them, just flag it as inaporopaite, problme solved.

    anyway jsut hold of, if google losses agianst Viacom then there wont be any of the inaporpaite stuff, or music videos ( its the music vids that are the problem in the suing)

    If Google had to view every vidoe then there would be 1/100th of hte currnet amount of videos, there wouldnt be anythign that breaks copyright, so no music videos, movie clips, tv shwos etc. so jsut be aware for some of the good on yourube you need some of the bad too.

    jsut flag it and walk away.  

  11. There is nothing inappropriate on youtube. they do have an age block on some videos.  

  12. no not even close


  14. Most videos on YouTube are blocked if some of the content is to risky for minors.

    So i would say No cause that content is protected.

    But then again,..most of that stuff can be bought from the shops,so you can't blame it on youTube or the Media.

    If you have a little Brother or Sister,..perhaps you're Parents,...don't be surprised to find some Pornographic content that they have hidden in the House! ;)

  15. I do think it is bad (pick me for best answer "PLEASE!"

  16. YouTube is awesome!! if you dont wanna see stuff dont search it!!!!

  17. i agree, it goes too far sometimes, i actually came across something illegal whilst browsing the other day and it was also very sickening

  18. Heck yeah!  But you gotta consider this--they have so many users and such a growing list of vids, that they don't have much time to censor or check them.

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