
Has a baseball player ever popped up a fly ball so high that the sun burnt it up?

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Has a baseball player ever popped up a fly ball so high that the sun burnt it up?




  1. No that is impossible

  2. maybe in a dream

  3. Yes. Griffey did it

  4. What? That's one of the stupidest questions I've ever heard. It's Impossible!

  5. Wow, what an intelligent question...

  6. No, but players have played indoors and popped them up to the top of the dome...

  7. no but in MN they hit the roof at least a few times a year

  8. Yes. It was first accomplished in 1914 by "Home Run" Baker. He did not getting his nickname from hitting home runs, but rather because he had to run home to get another ball so the game could continue.

    It's been done several times since and happened with alarming frequency at the old Colt. 45's stadium in Houston. To prevent this and help control how much they were spending on baseballs, they built the Astrodome. Several other cities then followed suit with domed stadiums of their own.

  9. Santo jumped up and caught it and landed on the sun. Mainly  the reason why his legs got burnt off.  

  10. Theirs no such thing as a stupid question. Ok actually scratch that. This is a stupid question.

  11. ma dude n0

  12. No you are freaking stupid

  13. haha no but how cool would that be?

  14. that is a stupid question and its impossible

  15. Is that a serious question?

  16. Dude use your brain. It kinda takes a players willingness to do that. Which player would concentrate all his power into the ball just to make it hit the sun. No logic there.

  17. NOoo

  18. umm

    if a plane can go a few miles in the air and not get burnt im pretty sure a baseball can go up a few hundred feet and not get burnt

  19. Not unless they were playing on Venus.

  20. NO

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