
Has a country from the African continent gained a permenant member in the UN Security Council ?"?

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Емилио Барзини - fortunately for holes, they purge and the resulting excrement is collected and forever stored in bags such as yourself.




  1. There are only 5 members, I doubt it will change

  2. There are countries currently lobbying for membership as permanent members of the Security Council.

    There are no serious contenders from Africa.

    Canada, Brazil and India are the only ones with a chance.  Brazil and India have actually formed a strategic bloc within the UN with the hope of gaining these seats within a decade or so.

    Every year five members of the UN Security Council are rotated out and replaced.

    There are 5 permanent Members and 10 non-permanent ones

    Five Permanent Members (Veto holding) USA, Russia, China, UK, France

    Non Permanent members staying for one more year:

    Belgium, Indonesia, Italy, Panama and South Africa

    Outgoing members: The Congo, Ghana, Peru, Qatar and Slovakia.

    New Members: Libya, Burkina Faso, Croatia, Costa Rica and Vietnam.

    Libya and Bukina Faso are African countries.

    The selections have been made, the transition takes place January 1 2008

  3. no

  4. No, the 5 permanent members are USA, UK, Russia, France, and China.

  5. Why the fvck should some third-world shithole be allowed to make crucial decisions concerning military involvment and development?! f**k Africa.

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