
Has a drug adict ever quit cold turkey with out any help or intervention?

by  |  earlier

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and by drugs i mean hard drugs like meth, opiates, or cocaine, not weed or alcohol




  1. Sure many people have quit by just plain stopping!  You have to really want to, but nobody is really a slave to any substance, and it is only the whiny baby mentality of our culture that says nobody can do anything on their own.

    JUST STOP!!!!

  2. I'm sure some has...I wouldnt want to though

  3. Yes of course, it's very difficult but it happens all the time. It's dangerous too, even if you're just dependent on alcohol you can have withdrawals. Either way though, lots of people relapse whether they have intervention/rehab or not

  4. You can do anything you flaming well want to do mate !!  I quit alcohol CoLd Turkey 6 years ago and the thought hasn't occurred to me in any way shape or form to imbibe in at least 4 years .......... and i also quit a disgusting addiction to very high levels of prescription antidepressants CoLd Turkey .........  i don't advise you do the same thing because the withdrawals and detoxification process was ghastly to say the least .....  however, the point i am trying to make is that the figures are not astronomically rare and i do believe that with good nutritional guidance and help from a qualified nutritional physician that you can give it way more than a running chance .......  don't ever let anybody tell u what u can and can't do friend ......  there is no magic ingredient or tablet buddy because YoU are the magic ingredient ...........;0)

    peace 2 u

  5. I accidentally quit smoking cigarettes, I just woke up one morning and never went back to the store to get cigs...maybe I forgot or something.  And now I ride a bike 40+ miles a can be done.

  6. Well, cold turkey alcohol can and frequently does kill. It is, oddly enough, the only drug withdrawal is fatal in and of itself.

    But without help and intervention? They quit, sometimes, but they never stay without help. How many quit and succeed? Less than one in ten thousand. Possibly one in hundred thousand. It's so astronomically rare that when the brain gets itself wrapped up in a substance that it can simply stop without some outside influence to fix things. Hence, twelve step programs, many forms of rehabilitation to essentially teach the brain to live without these substances. We can't make it not want them, that's simply beyond what we've got - so far.

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