
Has a news story involving a child ever REALLY affected your life? I need help please?

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I've been following the case about the case of little Darisabel Baez.

This poor little 2 year old girl was beaten to death by her mothers boyfriend and the mother did nothing to stop it. The details are very awful and this news story has affected me A LOT. I cry when I think of it, I feel angry and depressed and it's really affecting my day to day life. I'll stop short of saying I'm becoming obsessed with it. Here is a link to what I'm talking about but be warned, it's very sad and I would not want anyone else feeling like I am right now.

To make it worse, they've updated saying the reason why this poor lil baby was beaten to death - because her diaper exploded onto the floor. The so called "mother" has also been charged along with her boyfriend with murder for doing nothing to stop the vicious beating. How could anyone be so evil? Anyways, this story has really affected me and I need advice on how to deal with the hurt it's causing me. I can't stop thinking of this baby and what she went through. And I can't imagine how a mother could sit there and let the baby be beaten to death. If it were me I would have killed that man myself. No question in my mind. Anyone else ever been profoundly affected by a news story like this? How do you handle it and try not to let it affect you so much emotionally? I am 8 months along and have a little girl not much younger then Darisabel was. I think that's why I am hurting so much for her.

Here is another link to the story with Darisabels picture.

Who could hurt this precious little angel? Why God did this have to happen?

How could anyone sit and listen to their baby being beaten for an HOUR??? How do you listen to a baby scream in pain for an hour and not do anything?? This among other things in this case haunts me every day. I need to know how I can deal with this. This case is affecting me profoundly...




  1. If it helps, many people feel the same way you do.

    I have to say, not to minimize what you're going through, but pregnancy hormones may be playing a part in why you are this emotionally upset over it. I mean, I cannot imagine choosing a man over my kids. The first time he even threatened to raise his hand to my kid would be the last.

    Not talking about my husband and kids' father, who has NEVER beaten them but did spank them when they were under 7. But if it was some guy I was living with, I would make it clear that I am the mother and unless and until he earned the kids trust he had no authority over them.

    Of course I would not live with some guy when I still had kids at home. Not judging those who do, but quite honestly, those situations seldom end happily. It's different if you date someone for some time and are in a serious relationship and you move in when you're engaged, but to just live with some guy you're dating when you have kids at home? I don't get it.

    I would risk being killed before letting my kid be hurt. If my death would end their pain I'd consider it worth it.

    But that's the difference between most mothers and those who continue living with abusive boyfriends. They don't put their kids first. Their delusional, thinking the guy is not that bad and loves them. I'm sure if he hadn't killed Darisabel and she was merely injured that he would have acted all sweet and apologized to the mother and she would have forgiven him and told Darisabel she needed to be good or some sh*t like that.

    Why? Because most likely the mom was abused as a kid too and thinks it's the way life is. Doesn't make it right -- I think she needs to be held partly responsible for Darisabel's death.

    It is very sad and I am troubled that this sort of thing is happening in our society.

    As far as the guy -- he's probably a meth/crack/coke head and had he overdosed say two years ago it would have been a community service. I normally don't say that about a human life, but in this case if someone is so hopped up or so self-absorbed they can't keep from harming a little child, they need to be locked up and should not actually exist out in society.

  2. You have to remember that the people who this are mentally unstable.  They did not love this child at all.

    I too have heard horrible stories (and no I did not click your link, because it would effect me) and it bothers me for a few days. I'm a visual type of person, so I can't stop myself from visualizing what happened and how I would feel if it happened to me or what the child went through.  I hate that!   I eventually get over it even though I do think about it once in a while.  It's the initial shock, but then it fades.  I don't know when this happened, but I would give it some time.  

    I have a 2 year daughter, and I can't imagine this ever happening to my baby girl.

  3. Yes. I have had cases effect me badly. I didn't click that link, either, because I just can't deal with that today. I have been thinking of little Cailey Anthony for weeks now. Every single day I read the news, hoping she is home safe but knowing in my heart she won't ever be.

    It's hard knowing other children out there are not cared for. It makes me sick. I have lost sleep many nights over the news. I don't even know why I read it anymore. maybe because it reminds me not to take life for granted.

    As for your story, who could beat a baby? Who could do that? I just don't want to picture that- it's too much.

  4. it is sickening to say the absolute least, i firmly think that these beautiful little babies that are hurt and killed are a product of pure evil. How could a person, parent or not do this??? The ones who hurt them should be hurt the SAME way, no guilt or remorse shown, call me whatever but they showed NO love or care for these babies, why should we????  GOD BLESS, Just have to say a prayer as often as possible for all babies and children, for GODS protection and that he will bless us to help make a difference

    EDIT: It is perfectly ok to cry and be very upsaet, you and I (and all of us) are human, this was a baby and she deserves to be   mourned:-(

  5. Absolutely sickening...

    There have been several news stories like this that just kill me a little bit more each time I read them and I follow religiously. The only conclusion I can come to is, sometimes people are better off dead than alive, babies included. I know that sounds completely heart less and cold, but if this little baby didnt die that day, she would have endured more and more beatings and suffered more and more. God knows it takes most people till they are 70 or 80 to just have enough suffering to call their job here on earth done and that little girl had enough in a very short time and God took her with good reason, to stop her suffering. She is finally safe now.

    Shame on her mother for letting this happen to her. If it was me, the SOB that laid a hand on my daughter would be the SOB with a bullet hole between his eyes and that door would have been broken down the very second I heard it happening, no if's and's of but's. So so very sad. RIP baby girl.

  6. wow that was so horrible. I cant believe that happend. and it is totally fine for you to cry and feel bad especially if you are pregnant. When a women is pregnant her maternal intsincs are very high as well as her hormones and emotions. I had my children and this story still makes me cry. all we can do is say a prayer fo rthe little girl telling her that " its okay now and that she is loved by many and that nothing is her falt" and for all the other children say a prayer also hoping one day it will all stop.

  7. I read and hear of stories all the time. It is very heart breaking. I have cried when I have read some stories. I can't imagine how any parent can let suh a thing happen.

    There is a little girl here who almost died a few weeks ago when her step-mother beat her for 9 hours with a belt, etc. Throwing her down stairs. Forcing her to eat cereal. Standing on her. Anything the woman could think of to the 8 year old child.

    I have a 7 and a 9 year old. I couldn't imagine having them go through something like that.

    I guess these are the reasons people need to come back outside and get to know their neighbors. So maybe people who have problems can be reached out to or caught before something bad happens.

    Plus having a support circle helps parents in their social lives. Making things easier.

    I think the only justice for this little girl is to put the step father and mother in a room to be beaten until their deaths over a long period of time.

  8. There was a news story about a murder on this past Christmas Eve here in Washington state that made the national news. The town is just a couple towns over from where I live. A 3 year-old boy and his 6 year-old sister were shot in the head by their Aunt's b/f (She killed her brother and his wife and her b/f shot and killed her parents). My son was the same age as the little boy and it just tore my heart out. For weeks I could think of nothing but what that poor little boy must have been thinking and I hugged my son a little tighter.

    BTW: Even Hallmark ads made me cry when I was pregnant, so it is totally normal for something like this to make you cry.

  9. It's probably affecting you so profoundly because you have children of your own, so you can identify in a way and know how horrible it would be to do that to your own child.  Also, I would think the hormones from pregnancy might also be a factor in why this is affecting you so much.

    Honestly, I would try to stop reading about it.

  10. The fact that you are pregnant & "hormonal" may be the cause of the over-abundance of emotions you are dealing with right now, but be comforted with the knowledge that you are an exceptional person who cares about others, particularly children. I think it would be a good idea to see if there's been a Donations Fund established (maybe in the childs' name) or find an organization that supports abused children. Contributing to one of these may help you cope with your feelings and at the same time give you piece of mind.  You are a special person!  

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