
Has a president who was a known adulterer ever entered the White House?

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I know going out but not going in.




  1. well, if you count clinton's 2nd term in office, then yes.  but he didn't really enter, he just kinda stayed....   :)

  2. Harding.  He kept his mistress in a bedroom closet, apparently.

  3. Who cares? Stay out of the bedroom of consenting adults.

  4. I've never understood why it is so bloody important for both American and British politicians to be squeaky clean regarding their matrimonial lives. As long as they're doing the job we elected them to, ie running the country and looking after our interests, then who gives a toss what they do in the bedroom. We should be more like the French-if one of their politicians WASN'T shagging his or her secretary/aide they'd be surprised, and as long as they are doing their job nobody cares one iota.

    The God bothering Holier-Than-Thou christian right (small case intended) should focus on what's important instead of what c**p was written in the bible 2000 years ago

  5. Looks like someone else beat me to the answer.

    Also, the bedroom does not indicate how a leader will lead.




  6. Back in the day, rumors used to swirl, but rumors are not facts.

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