
Has a psychic been asked where Caylee Anthony is?

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and the response..just want to see what they thought about this little missing girl..




  1. You know I've asked this myself for wks. I'm sure that there are psychics out there, but i doubt the fam. nor the p.d would add this to their case, as the case seems to be getting more bizare by the day. I really think the Orlando p.d. should contact the South Carolina investigators where that woman drove her 2 kids in the lake many yrs. ago, maybe they could compare notes?

  2. I'm sorry to say she is deceased.  I see her beneath alot of junk, pieces of cardboard, there is a large pile of trash that people dump in the woods, and she is under it.

    She looks peaceful, she didn't suffer when she died.  She didn't know what was going on.  I don't think her mother actually killed her, but she was there when it happened and she didn't physically try to stop the person doing it.  I see a white man with hairy arms, he's wearing a flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows (I can't see the man's face, just those hairy arms and his shirt).

    The mom was crying as it happened, but, like I said, she didn't try to stop it.

    Edit - I don't know who keeps giving me thumbs down, but what I'm telling you is the truth.  I am psychic and clairvoyant, its what I do.  Am I supposed to lie?  You want me to write something happy, I'm sorry, I can't.   Thumb me down if you must, but I know the truth.  If anyone is interested, I know where Natalee Holloway is too.  Or should I lie and say she's alive too?


    The above information to a psychic working on the case. I found it interesting the ares that they had thought she might be. But now it looks all over the board. I myself have had a dream of a little girl in a box, around water. I will not call myself psychic but .....hey we all have dreams

  4. Psychics are useless and in my opinion suffer from some form of mental illness. They are nothing more than scam artists and luckily they have not been used in this case.

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