
Has a psychic or medium ever told you something that no one else could possibly know?

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Or something that made no sense at the time but became apparent, hit you with the memory, later?




  1. yeah it's happened loads of times! I would recommend using mediums more than psychics that need to use tarot cards or other props.

  2. yes her name was kissier i went from non believer to believer it would of been a billion to one shot to know all the thing's that happened to me and what was going to happen !!!!!

  3. Concerning your first question, no. But psychics/mediums can be awful good at cold reading and you could easily give away clues that lead them deduce some things about you that you wouldn't expect.

    Concerning your second question, also no, but the psychic has a better "hit rate" with future predictions since the idea is planted in your head and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts. You keep searching for ways for their prediction to come true and you eventually find something that sort of fits, or you make the decisions necessary to make it come true.

  4. No, but they've made a lot of random guesses that would apply to almost everyone at some point, and then tried to make me do that.  Yeah, right.

  5. yes.....that children are only on loan;I wasn't sure what she was talking about until I had four sons  of my have them,love them, teach,care,and try to prepare them for the world; and then they do just that.....that psychic was my mother,and she new she was dieing;what I carried with those words were her spirit  and joy about living each day,and how wonderful and lucky I am to have those boys as my sons and friends.....blessed be

  6. One such clever sh2te told my wife I was cheating on her, how sad people can be, that would never happen and we nearly broke up over it, stay well away from these sick so called do gooders, so yes one told my wife something that no one knew about not even me,

  7. No, but to be fair, i never spoke to one!

    psychics read your mind by your involuntary reactions in your face, so they start building up a generalized story, putting facts as you confirm them and taking out bull-s.hit as you deny it, until they come out with a "prediction" or something that fits your mood.

  8. There is nothing new here.  It's a vague, general cold reading, allowing you to steer the psychic and involuntarily fill in the blanks when talking about the present, and then a self-fulfilling prophecy for the future events, which are also vague.

  9. nope!

  10. Yes I went to a medium in a church and took one of my children with me.

    The medium  told to watch out for my child's chest, and said the message was coming from J the dancer, I didn't know who J the dancer was.

    Then my mother-in-law told me her husband taught ballroom dancing when he was young and was known as J the dancer.

  11. they chat the biggest bollocks ever

  12. Ummm...CORRECTION dear...a true psychic CAN and will charge for a reading...a true psychic will never charge if the work they are doing is to help a spirit.

  13. No. Its ALL  BS. Expensive BS for suckers!

  14. Yes. I work with 2 good psychic lady's a lot.  They are dead on all the time.  One has worked with the police with good success and is well respected.  I am trying to learn as much from then as I can.

    And yes LS has a lot of problems,  just block him. He's just trying to make trouble because his life is so miserable.

  15. When I was in college, some psychics came on campus and gave free tarot readings. I tried to give her absolutely no facial expressions or confirmations that she was right or wrong, so that she could not cold read me. (cold reading is a fake psychic trick)

    She concluded from the cards that I was going to too many parties and my homework was suffering because of it. I might not graduate if I continued on this path.

    I am sure many people she read that night would have been wise to heed this warning, I had gone to maybe a total of 2 parties while at college. Although I drank on occations, I always put homework first. So her reading was completely wrong.

    So yes, no one else could have possibly known about my partying in college, even I didnt know. It makes sense now, that she was warning me that tarot card readers are about as accurate as fortune cookies.

  16. Have you ever watched the TV show Psych?  This is how "psychics" in the real world operate, too.  Some of their observations are genuine, but are not based on the supernatural.  Many of them are very good at reading people, in the sense of noticing people's reactions to things, rather than knowing their innermost secrets.  They make vague statements, and notice which pieces make people react, then go with those.

  17. medium told me she had a man for me who passed in his seventies -he had spent his life in different prisons. "he had to learn just like someone around me has to learn" I had no idea what she was on about. After I got home I thought about my mums brothers one of mums brothers had been a prison medical officer spent his life in different prisons, the person he was talking about was my son about to leave school who wanted to go in the army but he did not get in and trained as a male nurse. A few years later it fell into place

  18. yes. my good friend is a medium/psychic. he has said things to me that no one ever knew, or else said something that made no sense, then something happend and it all fell into place.

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