
Has a rugby game ever gone to penalties?

by  |  earlier

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Even if it’s in some lowly amateur division, do you know of any game going to penalties?




  1. It's not that common, because there's usually a provision for points difference or number of tries in preference.  I'd love to see it though!

  2. Yes see link

  3. None that I have ever heard of.

    It's pretty difficult to get a draw in a rugby match as players normally opt to kick at goal when they get a penalty or try a drop goal from open play.

  4. that would be quality!

  5. Not that I have ever heard of.  I'm from NZ, you may have heard of our national team (The All Blacks).  As far as I can recall, if the game is tied at full time, the game goes into overtime.  Also, the game is not ended by the ref until the ball goes out of play.  Sometimes the game goes over for no apparent reason.  This is usually because the game was stopped partway through for some reason or another and the clock was not stopped, but the ref made a note of how much londer the game should go on after full time to make up for the lost playing time.

  6. In April 2003 the Irish U19s beat England U19s in a Penalty shoot out after the game finished 22 all.

  7. In age group rugby there is no extra time so they have penalty shots at goal best of 5, 5 different players from each team kick from different positions on the field.

    In senior rugby they play extra time, if at the end of extra time the scores are still tied the team that scored the most tries wins, if no tries were scored then the team that finished highest on the log wins.

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