
Has a strange dog ever made you have chills?

by Guest62278  |  earlier

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If you think they put out some kind of vibes that make this happen? I'm not afraid of dogs...but sometimes this happens to me.




  1. Absolutely.  Any terrifying situation (i.e. a strange dog growling at me, a close call in the car, etc.) kicks in my fight or flight, adrenaline-pumping feeling.  The only vibes is the feeling my safety is at risk.

  2. PLEASE....Only humans are Sneaky slimy and Dangerous.

    Very sad you get chills from mans best friend...You probably never had a dog?

    Most animals can sense bad people...but humans are just simple.

  3. I never had chills with dogs. I'm not afraid of it.

  4. Probably because of the association to the black dog which allegedly appears before someone dies. It's quite creepy to see an abandoned dog without its owner. They have this look of so much sadness, regret, and a desire for vengeance. I think that's why it's creepy and gives me chills. :)

  5. Strange dogs are usually very friendly, and they want to be noticed.  But there have been several times when I was afraid of strange dogs, and it had nothing to do with the supernatural.   Once a neighbor had a Rottweiler who growled at me whenever she saw me.  I think the neighbors were training her to be aggressive against me.  

    A few years back there was a case of a woman who was killed by neighbors' dogs in an apartment building.   And then there is the story of the census lady somewhere in the Midwest U.S. who got eaten by dogs.

  6. A pair of strange dogs have made me afraid for my life - seeing as they were savage guard dogs with big teeth. I don't think dogs have vibes, their growls and raised hackles are enough of a signal of their intent.

  7. All dogs are man's best friends. The sad part is, not all humans treat them as good as they treat us. So some of them might start to loose trust. Fortunately, most of them can be rehabilitated.

    I remember when I was in elementary school. Everyday I would walk back home from school. Our front neighbor had a pretty big dog. Every time he would see me walk outside he would start barking at me like crazy! Until one day, he began barking, started running towards me (breaking his chain in the process!). I stood there, rooted to the ground like a tree. It must've taken him no less than 4 seconds to reach me. Right before he got to me, he stopped, looked at me in the eyes, liked my hand, wagged his tail, and went back home! He never barked at me again!

    So I think its that trust.

    Not all dogs get the privileged of getting a good partner.

  8. Yeah.  His name was Edward.  Oh, you mean CANINE!!!!

  9. Once.  Well twice.

    The first time, I had just moved out on my own and during a mid-night ride, I had these 4 HUGE wolf hounds walk in the road in front of my car.  It didn't scare me too much, until, the lead one, a female, who was solid white, with really blue eyes, walked up to the drivers side and raised herself to look in at me.  They wouldn't let me pass, and I had to take a side road.  Later I met the people who lived on that road, and not only were they witches, but a family that I knew in a past life.  The son and I already knew me, since I worked in the local mall.  It was really wierd because he called me by the name that I had than which is the same name I have now, just in the language of that country.  That was the first time we met here and now.  It was wierd as h**l.

    The second time, I had just moved into my in-laws temporarily and there was this black lab that would run across the road thru the fence (no, no holes or gates) and onto the school track field than disappear.  I found out it was hit, about eight years ago.  It was my father in-law that expalined it to me.  That freaked me out a lot, and he claims NOT to believe in ghosts, but has seen it also several times himself.

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