
Has a woman ever disguised herself as a man to compete in the Tour de France?

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Oh, yeah I know there is a women's Tour de France, called La Boucle. But that was founded in the 80s, so I was wondering if any woman had the idea, tried, or did this before that?




  1. they wouldnt dare. you know why? because thhey would get dropped in the first stage. if not there then definately the first mountain stage. the strength and stamina are so different between men and women that with short hair flat chest and a bulge in the pants, u can still tell whos the girl. sorry.,,,,besides u have to get on a pro team before u can ride the tour. so its basically down to u have to disguise yourelf as another rider who entered to actually get in.

  2. Actually, yes....and she won the tour 7 straight times

  3. I don't think so, but that sounds a lot like some movies I have seen.  Plus, I would think that viewers would be able to tell from the physique that it was not a man.

  4. As an avid Tour fan, I would've heard about this by now if it were true. Saying that its been happening every year since 1903 so its possible that its happened and its been consigned to history as some small footnote.

    Edit: There was one woman called Marie who competed in the Giro (Italian version of the tour) Cant remember the story but apprently she married a fellow cyclist. It was on the Eurosport commentry today (someone asked the same question)

  5. Nope.  One reason it would be difficult is because cyclists are not randomly picked to compete.  You have to be a competitive cyclist for years on an established team, and that team needs to get an invite to the tour.  

    It's not like you could just show up one day disguised as a man and get in the tour.  It would mean years of deception.

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