
Has a woman in even even?

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died heroically to protect her boyfriend/husband?. (I heard from someone that a woman's instinct to protect is stronger than a man's if she really loves him-is this true?). Does anyone know of a woman like this?




  1. (Is "even even" anywhere Never Never Land?).  I personally have saved the butts of hundreds of guys as a medic, in mountain rescue, spelunking rescue, ice-climbing accidents, Arctic rescue and mountain-climbing with my brothers and dates.  I personally have been rescued an awful lot in my misadventures, too, mostly by the Coast Guard all my life, mostly by equally well-trained brothers, but once on a climb with a dreamboat date and I confess that was sooooo romantic.  : )  Mostly actually it's been beagles who have rescued me. I am the designated pit bull in my family for looking after my father's life. I earned that honor.  I am insanely protective of my pride and joy, my cuddly toy, my son.

  2. Where is even even?

  3. Yep, as a kid, there was this couple that was close to my family. My mother had grew up with the woman, and my father worked several construction jobs with her husband. They couldn't afford to live in a good neighborhood, so they had to settle for the apartment complex that was known for drugs, gang violence and prostitution. One night on their way home from grabbing a bite to eat, these locals started a fight with the husband and pulled out a gun. Once the smoked cleared, the woman was the one shot and killed, because she stepped in between her husband and the gunman. She sacrificed herself so that he could live. there are a number of stories I could tell, but I that one was the one that rang out in my mind in particular.

    Now, I seen many cases of a woman putting her love for a man over herself, her kids, and god in general. Anytime a woman stays with a man that is abusive, it's because her love for him is stronger than that of the love she should have for herself. The reason this person told you that a woman's will to protect is strong than a mans (and I'm assuming this was a woman who said this) is due in part to the fact that mothers will kill for their kids. And mothers who've been killed for the sake of their children. It's a mothers instinct that this person was referring too. When a mother nurtures she also protects from harm.


    This story is famous where I live, and kind of applies.

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