
Has abortion become a means of brith control today?

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Are there any statitics on abortions globally worldwide????

Perhaps we could also analyse the percentage of men who opted out of parenthodd but are saddled with child support for 18 years.LOL!!!

Also the number languishing on jails because of either refusla to pay or inability to pay.LOL!!!




  1. Yes it has in the US, & thanks to the internet, CNN the whole world knows America is a joke.

  2. Isn't it sad how birth control was brought to light to avoid pregnancy, yet, that has failed and now there are millions of abortions per year (and that's just the reported ones, not the ones as a result of birth control medication which causes an abortion in the first few days, or the "Morning After Pill" which also causes abortions, both forms being unreported of course).  Women have truly forgotten their God given dignity and have really lowered the standards for themselves.  It truly is sad and pathetic.  Oh,and in case you're wondering, I am a woman and an adoptee (my biological mother actually was selfless and decided to choose life for me and to give me an opportunity for having quality life that she could not provide).

  3. For many its what happens when birth control fails.

    For many women its what happens when a man tells her hes had a vasectomy, or doesn't like wearing condoms, or hes sterile.

    I have a great idea for men who don't wish to become fathers.

    Let them keep it in their pants.

    Let them wear rubbers.

    Let them not sleep with anyone they don't have a loving relationship with and would want to marry and have children with.

    You make'em you pay for them.

    And there is no LOL about it.

  4. Isn't Abortion a means of birth control by definition?

  5. First of all msbookie...etc, America is a Superpower? How would abortion and woman working make our country a joke? There are people who arent even developed enough to have running water, and we have like the 2nd highest technology rate in the world. If your so disgusted with woman working and people having abortions, go live in Saudi arabia or another 3rd world country of your choice-

  6. this is subjective... if a guy doesn't want children he should protect himself on the front line by not being sexually activity with a women he cant trust... a little accountability goes a long way.

  7. OK, men cannot be trapped first of all.  Everyone is responsible for taking care of him/herself and their bodies.  I would say the same thing to a girl who got a venereal disease from a man she thought was clean.

    Abortion in and of itself is a form of birth control.  Your pregnant, you don't want to be, you fix it.  I don't really care what the reason is and I'm not going to argue with whether or not I agree with it but yes...abortion is definitely a form of birth control.

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