
Has an American presidential/vp candidate ever ended a speech without the obligatory "God Bless America!" ?

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  1. Check the VP Candidate Sarah Palin... She claims that God sent us to fight the war in Iraq!

    Watch the video!!!

  2. Well,Hillary Clinton last week said, "God bless you and Godspeed".

  3. Its the american thing to say, it means nothing to them though  

  4. The lawyer's welfare program party ?

  5. I am sure Jefferson and Lincoln did not get into that

  6. Sure. They have given thousands of speeches in our nation's history. It's safe to assume that at least a few of them were ended prematurely by technical difficulties.

  7. Has any politician in history not pandered like a simpering weasel to gain votes?  Possibly George Washington.  As I recall he did not want to be president.

  8. I have not heard all the american presidential/vp candidates speeches ever made so I really cant say and I cant remember the details of all the ones I have heard.

    My guess would be yes.

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