
Has an element of someones wedding ever struck you as being quite narcissistic?

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Just RSVPd to a wedding invite that is asking everyone to write a poem about the couple... maybe I am cynical but all i can think is 'Oh, get over yourselves!'




  1. Yeah, I think I'd just about want to barf after 100 or 200 poems about the couple, unless they allow you to be humorous.  Then I think it could be fun.  But if they all had to be sappy, romantic poems......major pukes.

    Perfect love is one of the typical dreams of a narcissist.  If they want 2 hours of wedding bliss, imagining they'll not have the same relationship problems others have because their love is so perfect, then I would say there's some definite narcissism going on.

  2. OMG get over yourself is right... Geez some people!

  3. lol! thats hilarious! im with you I think its a bit over the top. cant relate to a wedding story, but I recently went to a birthday party for a friend of a friend and we all had to write in her signature book- except they requested we all write at least 50 words!!!! I couldnt believe it, some people are really up themselves.

  4. OTT!!!!!!!!  This is why my partner and I are just going to the registry office with our parents! hehe...

    We were going to do the whole "wedding" thing, but the thought of having to pick bridesmaids, reception spots, photographer blah blah blah and then having to stand up in front of everyone with them all staring at me completely put me off!

    I was a bridesmaid for my sister when she got married.  One of the other bridesmaids started crying and having a tanty coz the guy she liked had said he'd come along and he hadn't.  Then she started carrying on about how unfair it was that my sister had just got married and she didn't even have a boyfriend.  It was in the car on the way to the reception - I yelled at her (about "this" close to slapping her), told her to stop being a selfish ***** and that I'd smack her if she didn't cut it out! hahahaha...

    Some people can just NOT stand the attention being on other people!

  5. I went to a wedding where they had decorated the reception hall with  photos of the bride and goom EVERYWHERE!  From pictures on each table (and not one or two, like 10) to huge 11x14s framed and hung all over the walls.  they even had a photo cake with thier faces on it.  Every song that band sung they managed to put either his or her name into it.  And the videographer came around as said the couple asked for everyone to say what thier favorite things about the new couple is to the camera!

  6. Hehe, they didn't say it had to be nice did they? :P

  7. I've been to the narcicistic wedding from h**l.

    Bride, is a wanna be super model, she doesn't work, she doesn't go to school, she dedicated herself to planning her wedding for 5 years (wonder how bored she would be now that she is already married)

    -Bought several dresses because she kept changing her mind.

    -Scolded the photographer when taking pictures of anyone other than herself and did not buy any pictures of the guests.

    -Got her married pictures w/ wedding party done BEFORE the ceremony, so her make up would look better

    -In order to afford her make up artist, photographer and 4 dresses, she skimpped on the guests food. 200 people where left hungry in the California desert wondering if we could eat the flower arrangements at the tables.

    -She made everyone in the wedding party (8 BM and 8 GM!!!) 16 in total, made a speech about her, GM had to make a speech about the couple. Guests were sleeping at the tables, after the first speech about her.

    -When I graciously sent her the pictures that I took at the wedding, she complainee that "there where hardly any pictures of her". I'm not making this up.

    -Got upset when other guests interacted with the group and got the attention of the videographer and photographer...she was jealous of the grooms friends that wanted to talk to him to take pictures with him.

    -Guests had to sit to a 20 minutes slide show presentation of pictures of HER growing up and her endless session of engagement pictures

    -The favors were piratied CD's of their favorite music, with a picture of her face on the label (no joke!)

    And..... like that wasn't enough...

    -The thank you card was 9 months late (of course). It was a collage of pictures of her on her wedding dress on front, inside and on the back of the card. Like that wasn't enough self-adoration, she included not one, not two, but 6!! (six!!) cd's of pictures of the wedding; I said, cool, maybe I see pictures of the reception, guests etc.... but NOOOO, it was pictures of her getting ready, pictures of her and the make up brushes, pictures of her shoes, pictures of her dress, pictures of her hands, pictures of her !!! She didn't have any pictures of the guests, was pictures of her only, some of them had the groom, but it has mostly her. Cd's were promply discarded.

    Hmm, I'm  wondering if she was marrying herself.

    Good luck

  8. Not sure about Narcissistic, but completely wrong to get married.

    My cousin only got married because her husband was hot and had money. She actually didn't even want to marry him cos he was such a doosh.... but her mom cared more about her image than anything else.  he was cheating on her and treated her like c**p... she still married him though... surprise surprise... they are now divorced.  They lasted about a year.

    I bring this up because the wedding was for show and to look good. Not love.... and I was forced to fly home for it even though I knew it was a bunch of BS. I remember fighting with my mom over this because I didn't want any part of it but she made me because my cousin is like a sister.

    none the less.... I was right.... what do ya know... and she told me I'd be divorced before her... I'm going on 4 years now... she barely made it one........

  9. I know what you mean, just wait until they have a child!

  10. A bride I knew gave a speech that went on for 45 minutes. She spoke it like a business presentation (with bullet points to remind her what to say and her hands spread out on the table in front of her) - that's someone who works in marketing for you. Most of the funny stories were actually her husband's so his speech was ruined. At the party afterwards, she insisted on playing the saxophone that she'd been learning for three months and it was soooooo bad. The wedding party improved radically when she left early to start her honeymoon. And yes, her husband and kids are now managed like 'team members'.

  11. Been to a nudist's wedding?

  12. How bout I was at a wedding in May and still didn't get a thank you card!! I guess the couple is too busy being married or whatever to acknowledge the $50 target gift card I got them!! Oh wait, I guess they are ENTITLED to that, right, since they got married?

  13. And like everything else along these lines, I'd go to the wedding if I wanted to, but conveniently "forget" to take a poem. Or I'd take a copy of a poem I obviously copied from some book. Of course they'd think you were nuts, but who cares?!?

  14. I think that many people assume that their wedding day is as important to the guests as it is to them.

    With few exceptions, most people attending have already been hard pressed to squeeze the wedding and reception into their busy schedules.  Then they have been stretched to provide a gift to the couple.

    While your guests are thrilled to see you married and filled with joy at the prospect of life-time marital bliss for you, they honestly have their own lives and problems and it really wouldn't have made any difference to them whether you ever got married or not.

    Couples should enjoy and treasure their wedding day, it is theirs and theirs alone.  They should not burden their family and friends with selfish, self-centered requests that are an imposition.

  15. At my friends brothers' wedding they handed out rocks Everyone had to clasp the rocks and focus on giving the couple positive energy and good wishes for their marriage. Would have be cute in a wacky sort of way if the bride hadn't  taken over the microphone from the celebrant and barked orders about what to think and how to hold the rocks. Then the ushers were sent to collect the rocks so the couple could keep the 'energy'

    To each their own I suppose, but if it had of been my family it would have swiftly become a rock fight

  16. I find it highly narcissistic to have photos of the couple everywhere: as table identifiers, included in the thank-you note (what on Earth am I going to do with these photos?--they get tossed), engagement photos mailed separately or with invitations, etc.  Included here is the wedding slide show at the reception chronicling the bride and groom's lives.

  17. There once was a girl and a guy,

    My opinion of them was quite high,

    They decided to wed,

    On their invite it said,

    Please write us a poem thats fly.

    So i took out my paper and pen,

    And i started to think about when,

    They start with the rows,

    After they've taken the vows,

    Would the poems matter much then?

    You're right, your friends should get over themselves. Lol.

  18. We had to wear all white - everything had to be white.  There is very little white clothing that is not see through, aunt bessie who was 200 kg was never going to look any good in white and then it pissed rain.  It was hilarious but hideous.

  19. I agree!  I have been to weddings that definitely have the narcissistic characteristic...however, I'm in the opposite situation.  I'm the bride and on of my bride's maids is the narcissist...

    I chose the color sage ... she decided that she wouldn't look good in green, so she asked me to change the color to blue.

    She asked that I pick out her shoes.  I chose the shoes...2.5 inch heal...she decided that they made her legs look like fat sausages, so even though I paid EXTRA to get them shipped from out of state, she had me return them.

    All of the girls, except her, decided to wear similar jewelry.  Not her, her jewelry is completely different.  

    She's just frustrating.  She told me that she's comfortable being the star of the show since my fiance and I are both people that avoid the spot light.  Heaven help me.

  20. Personally, I think that the whole 'Its MY day' concept is incredibly narcissistic!! I just feel embarrassed for people when they take that kind of approach.

    Friend of mine has just been to a theme wedding where everyone had to wear yellow! She said they looked like a big crowd of wee!

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