
Has an umpire ever thrown out another umpire?

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I think that'd be funny. Is it even allowed?




  1. Never heard of it happening, but I would think that the Crew Chief would have both the duty and the right to relieve another umpire if he did something that violated the rules of the game or demonstrated poor sportsmanship or professionalism.  Doubt if you would ever see it happen, but it would be funny!

  2. Not in reality, but in the movie Naked Gun there was a scene where one umpire threw out another umpire.

  3. i dont think that one ump has control over the others but maybe

  4. No its not allowed

    The only time an umpire can be replace if sick or injury

  5. The umpire can throw out anyone except members of the officiating crew.

  6. hahhaa now thats a good question. and i have never seen it happen i dont think it has ever happened not positive though.

  7. It's impossible to do so, because the rules prohibit one umpire from criticizing or reversing the call of another umpire. The rules give each umpire the same authority to eject players, coaches, managers, club employees, club officers, photographers, ushers, grounds crew members, journalists, spectators, etc.

  8. The umpire in charge of the crew can remove another umpire. I don't think it has happened.. The problem that would be created would be enormous.

    It would be great to watch.

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