
Has another women ever pinched your breast in public?

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My cousin did it to me at her mom's wedding wedding. It was embarassing couse everyone saw. It reall hurt cause she pinched me hard. What did you do or would you do if somewoman did that to you?

Also she is taller and stronger than me so i don't want to fight her.




  1. no cant say i have ever had the experience lol

  2. Not there, but I had a woman I know grab me on the backside and have a feel as she was passing me. My daughter saw it and assured me it was no accident . Yucky !

  3. no and i got one word 4 ya lezbian

  4. No fight, just reaction:

    boom boom, out go the lights.

    Short & sweet.

    Male or female, that's not okay.

  5. Yes, it was my girl trying to make me laugh. It worked.

  6. I've had people in my family do that to me all the time, it's actually REALLY annoying and it makes me feel terribly uncomfortable...

    Well, I know if I had someone do that to me, either I'd retaliate by hitting them or just yell at them to stop.

  7. Since you held your head high and did not return the favor, it's time to consider not spending any more time with this cousin.

    If she asks, remind her what she did to you. If she says it's a "joke", do it back to her quickly (don't give her a chance to push your hand away), so she'll know what it feels like.

  8. How were you embarrased by HER inappropriate action? I would avoid her from here on if she doesn't realize that was wrong, anywhere, by anyone, male or female.

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