
Has any 1 caght milotic in pokemon pearl. if so how???

by  |  earlier

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if any has then please tell me




  1. milotic is un-catchable you'll need to catch a febas (super rare tho your better off getting it at gts) i have one if ya want it its free and in order to elvove it by maxing out its beaity

  2. Milotics can't be caught,youi have to evolve a feebas,witch can't be caught either(In DP).

  3. you need to catch a feebas at mt. coronet and max out its beauty. this is really, really hard. catching a feebas is hard and maxing out its beauty is even harder. you're probably better off trying to trade for one on the gts.

  4. i can trade u a feebas..

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