
Has any Paranormal Investigators tried to aggravate a spirit to make it show itself?

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For some reason that just does not sit well with me to do that. This person I am working with does that & I feel it is unsafe.

What are some of your thoughts?




  1. I had some people here to my home hoping to communicate with some of the spirits here,the following are the message we received, and one is mainly directed at one of the men, who I will call Adam. Adam was very arrogant & snippy with the spirits. He wanted to see things float around, disappear & reappear. I explained to him, that they weren’t a circus act.

    Adam, “I want you to make a noise.”

    Female spirit, “No not for you!”

    Adam, “Move something”

    Female spirit, “Be careful what you ask for.”

    Adam, “Every time I am talking, you make a noise.”

    Female spirit, “Then shut your mouth.”

    As you can see, his attitude was not accepted by the spirits & they did not like him.

    You have to be careful in what you say, even in kidding around. I have a female spirit here, which is always around my brother. A male friend, who is very sensitive himself, came up for a visit. We were walking, when he said that he felt a female spirit around him. I jokingly said, “If it is the same female around my brother, then she is a s**t.”

    No sooner were those words were out of my mouth, you heard her reply, “I am no s**t!” her voice was angry and hurt. I apologized and told her I was sorry,  no malice was intended.

    Later on, I was explaining the old road system in this area, as I was telling our friend, you heard from the female spirit, “Shows what she knows.” In a snippy voice. I guess she was still annoyed with me.

    As I stated, it is important to keep in mind, the feelings of the spirits around us. Watch how you speak to them at all times.

  2. Good question!

    As a paranormal investigator, I completely agree with you.

    To start, it makes a complete farce of the entire investigation and is extremely unprofessional.

    But more importantly its unethical. If there really is an entity or spirit in the space you are investigating, I believe they have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.  The same as you would treat any other person or creature.

    I used to know some people who do this. It really bothered me a lot. I tried talking to them to help them see that what they are doing wasn't right, but they saw no problem with it. Their beliefs were that if they shouldn't be able to "mess" with things then they wouldn't have been given the ability to do so. I countered with the argument that just because a person could get a gun and kill someone (having the ability) doesn't mean that he should.

    Ultimately we were never able to see eye to eye on this, and so I decided that the best thing for me was to not associate with those people anymore.

    I think you are smart to feel unsafe and unsettled by this person you are working with. Perhaps consider working with someone else who shares your views. I think it will make the whole experience much more valuable for you.

    I hope that helps. :)

  3. I have the opinion of "Spirits we're people too!" :) I have only attempted this technique once or twice, now i don't believe in it being the most accurate. The couple times i have tried this it doesn't work . E.V.P. has come in handy a lot of times just answering calm questions , i really don't like the provoking technique as much :)

    Ryan ~Paranormal Investigator/Researcher~ ~

  4. not a good ideal.  Nothing worse than being hit by something you cant see.

  5. >sure but I dont like to do this, because while it may not manifest itself for you, it could cause problems for those who stay there after you pack up and leave. I dont believe in trying to spar with something you cannot control. Much less ticking it off.

  6. On some ghost shows I've seen, they sometimes call the spirits names and do things to agitate them such as "replaying" moments that they believe have happened in the spirit's past, and have great meaning to the spirit. I believe it can be very unsafe, especially if the spirit is capable of possession. I would be really scared to try to aggravate a ghost, because you never know what could happen.

  7. Show the same courtesy to the unseen as you would to the living--the 'spirits' may feel YOU are the intruder, so be nice. The dark spirits that can't know God, the ones going to h**l, are probably upset as it is that WE can move up to Heaven, and we have the audacity to provoke them? Don't go there. You wouldn't go into a prison and provoke the inmates, would you? You want positive, scientific results; not having the p*** scared out of you. A haunting isn't a freak show, it's science of an intellectual order. Perhaps the only spirits that are allowed to step to this side of the 'veil' are learned, sensitive ones that deserve extra respect, not provocation. Finally, if you are concerned about the hereafter enough to try and reach someone there, don't muddy the waters--if you don't make it to Heaven, watch out for payback. If you DO make it, you want to have made a good showing of yourself HERE.

  8. I'm not a paranormal investigator, but I have used the technique you described.

    Whether a person chooses to use it might well depend on over-confidence, ignorance, or a failure to understand the situation.  It might also with equal possibility [if successful and with no consequences] mean an accurate evaluation of the need and the abilities of the person doing it resulted in the desired outcome.

    Sounds as though, thus far, your co-investigator falls into the second catagory.

  9. I don't agree with these methods.

    There are various forrms of energy/ spirits, but for the sentient ones I think it's unfair.

    Turning up at a place and starting ouija or other provocative means is akin to opening a door and shouting abuse through it.

    - They then record stuff and leave!

    What about the next people in there!

    There have been many many cases where kids have used ouija, and weeks later reap the consequences.

    It's an unsafe practice. I don't like unless you know how to close- down as well - which they never do.

  10. Many paranormal investigators attempt this "technique".

    Outside of being dramatic for the TV crew or the client I see no reason for it. There is no research showing that activity is more likely with this approach. There is also never an attempt to do this in an experimental way in order to provide that research.

    Outside of the above reasons on a more personal level I just find it in poor taste and bad manners. I might shoot a burglar that breaks into my home but I wouldn't spend the night insulting and attempting to anger him first.

    I also am not purposefully rude to living house guest so why would I be rude to a persons deceased (let's say aunt Betty) house guest. If one acts in an angry, mean manner to provoke say a demon is the demon mad or over joyed that you are now at his level of behavior?

    I conclude, it has no basis and it's poor behavior.


  11. wel im not a paranrml invstgtr but i do no som rsons y. (sry bout my shrt wrtng. i jst don't lik 2 typ mch.) anywy, thy do it bcaus thy r tryn' 2 prvoke it 2 com out. thy mstly do it prfessinally. but som ppl do get hrt. lik on the shw "ghost hunters", thy get hrt a lot whil prvokin thm.

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