
Has any body had a ufo experience or seen one?

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has any you had a experience of an abduction or looked at a ufo alien




  1. Yes, I was at a party and everyone except me got tractor beamed.

  2. nope, sorry.


  3. nope! I kind of wish I would in a way.

    I want to believe in ufo's but I personally dont know anyone that has had an experiece or seen one.

  4. I am a huge skeptic because of how huge this Galaxy is and how far apart the nearest star system is to us is 4.5light years away so we are just simply too far away for probable alien life as they would have to be traveling for so long just to get here.

    -W/ that being said..I have seen some things that do make me question the other side. I was camping and gazing into the stars. I saw a fast moving object that shined like a star, it was consistent in its movement so it was not a meteor.  At 1st I thought it was a Satellite as you can see them passing over often. But this one suddenly started to slow down to a stop. It paused motionless for about 1/2 sec. Then It shot off in a complete 40degree angle much quicker than it was originally going and disappeared. For about a year after I saw that, because it was so unnatural I really thought I saw an Alien UFO. I never really told many people as I know they would be very skeptical. As time has passed and investigations into the matter myself I have found similar stories. Usually a scientist will say that this is probably a Meteor that bounces off the Earth's atmosphere and skips back out to space. I dont know though because the movement was very machine like and they say true nature has no strait lines. Plus this paused.

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