
Has any body had the guts to leave thgeir lifein england and move abroad?

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i would love to move to spain but have been on benifits over here for ever and would get no help over there




  1. No, it would be too tough.

  2. why have you been on benefits forever?  Do you mean you want to move to spain and claim benefits there instead??

  3. Ive traveled a good bit of the world and god there is no place like home even in the present climate ENGLAND is best

  4. give it atry .what have you lost ./////////////////

  5. I have left England to live in Spain. I moved here 8 years ago. I'd recommend getting a job though. They don't hand out benefits quite so easily here as in England. You can only claim unemployment benefits depending on how much tax you've paid here in Spain and depending on how many years you've lived here for. Saying that if your last job had a good salary and you worked there for many years you can get quite good benefits.

    Work about going somewhere touristy and getting a bar job, that's always a good option until you learn the language well enough for anything else

  6. Not sure what benefits your on about, but if you can get some education in the UK where it is good, whilst learning Spanish, will set you in better stead for getting a job and the best out of everything, in UK and Spain.

    I moved to Germany a month ago and wish I had done both!

  7. I left England years ago, I lived in Spain, Mexico, America, Jamaica, Canada  and a few other places.

    Whenever I go back to the UK I just get depressed by the feel of the place.  Most of the people look grey and washed out and very unhappy.

    Make the move, you won't regret it!  And if you do you can always go back.

  8. Not many, but I wish more would!

    Spain? You've gotta be kidding...that was the center for the inquisition, where millions were killed by the RC church. Have you forgotten your history, or did they censor that in your school?

    Come to America, where at least we still have our guns, and don't have cameras in every nook and cranny, as you do.

    If you don't read much, at least see the movie:

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