
Has any book(s) or film(s) inspired & aided you in how your relationship has turned out as result i.e. tips..?

by Guest34040  |  earlier

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..and strategies?


What book(s) or film(s) were they and what did you gain from it?




  1. Something that should be made mandatory for all pre-marital counseling:

    "Men are from Mars - Women are from Venus."

    Just realizing our differences has helped my beloved bride and I immensely!!

  2. nope.

    just from experience and learning from my mistakes.

    I know when I have always been kind of aloof, very picky, not reciprocating much but much more into me : developping me so to speak....I had lots of success.

    But when I became clingy, needy or whatever...........the opposite happened.

    Better focus on yourself  all the time..

  3. no, im winging it. he likes me as i am or he can shove off. or are you talking about kinky stuff? no to that either. make that up too.  

  4. Well, there were some self-help books that changed my life. And I'm not a touchy-feely kind of person. One was, "Handbook to Higher Consciousness" by Ken Keyes. Also, "Reflections in the Light", by Shakti Gawain, to name two. Changed my way of looking at people and situations.

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