
Has any buddy else had this dream?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the time when i have this dream I'm sleeping under a sky light window.

I would go to sleep like any other night but this night I felt as tho some thing was holding me down I would fight to try and get out and could'nt I even caught my self awake once but yet I could'nt talk or even move as if some thing had a grip on me, be for the dream a real britelight would show up and then the dream would start.

The hole dream was me trying to get away from what was holding me down yet I could'nt.

I would wake up in the morning feeling if my body has ran 100miles sore all over and very stiff.

This dream will stay with me for days of corse I still remember it like it was yesterday.




  1. and then a raven started flying me over kashmir. and just as we started to descend another raven started making beutiful love with it. then we dropped into antartica where beutiful glass penguins were standing still. as we walked about the penguins the penguins started to start moving. then they too started beutiful love making. i then to started to make love with the roman god of love. athino. after we ate olives.

    was that what your dream was like?

  2. This is most likely sleep paralysis

  3. Nope i never have :(

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