
Has any country fired a icbm or cruise in a war ???

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we know countries posses , but has it really been tested in combat , ?




  1. the cruise missile was used extensively  in the second Iraq war From both aircraft , warships and submarines.ICBMs were used as early as 1944 by the n**i regime against Britain Known as the V2 .The American Rocket and Space program was mainly down to German scientists coerced   into working for Alied Governments.

    the n**i regime also Invented the cruise missile commonly known as the V1 in 19 44 causing considerable damage to Britain

  2. If you are referring to cruise missiles, we launched quite a number of them on the first day of air action in the UN Peace Enforcement Mission involving the Iraqi occupation of Kuwait in 1991. We also launched some into Afghanistan during the Clinton administration in a vain attempt to kill Usama Bin Laden. As far as intercontinental ballistic missiles, none have been used in any war to date. The Iraqi Scud missiles used during that previously mentioned UN Peace Enforcement Mission were intermediate range missiles, not ICBMs.  

  3. Nope. The US is the only country to ever use it and they where droped from planes.

  4. USA was the first to use cruise missiles in the Gulf War.  They were very effective.

  5. If I remember right Iraq launched some at Iran, but I could be remembering that wrong.

  6. 1st Gulf war we used cruse missiles non-nuke tipped and I believe we used them during Shock and AWE.


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