
Has any got a real good fraky story

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like alien or ghost any will do but not fake




  1. Well, I'm involved in the Drama department in my high school, and one day I was in our auditorium painting some sets for the show.  I was sitting on the stage alone with only the work lights on (fluorescent lights that only light the back half of the stage) and I started hearing something out in the seats.  It sounded like there was someone sitting in one of the seats and rocking back and forth.  I listened for a little bit, and it started and stopped several times.  It was actually so creepy that I eventually had to go get a friend to keep me company, lol.

    I know that there wasn't someone else in the theatre because all the doors are always locked so people don't mess with stuff and the Drama teacher let me in personally.  I would've heard if someone else would've come in anyway because the doors are so darn loud.  And on top of that, people are always telling the incoming drama students that the auditorium's haunted.  It almost makes me wonder if there isn't a little bit of truth to that!

  2. As a Freshman in College at U of I, I was walking back from the library to my Fraternity house late on night, and I decided to take a shortcut through an unknown area in the neighborhood.  I was taken by the apparent squalor and poverty of the housing as I walked along, and then to my shock and horror, I heard loud horrible, screaming, directly across the street, and then I was aghast to see a black man rapidly walking down the few steps of his wooden porch, STABBING HIMSELF in the neck and chest!  Blood was splattering all over him, but he appeared as if he was in a zombie trance, unaware of any pain!  His wife ( girlfriend, mom?) was running behind him outside screaming horribly.  I was terrified at the sight, and began to run as I heard the sound of police sirens approaching.

  3. I've always had freaky stuff happen to me... like seeing ghosts or hearing sounds / voices of people who are not there...but on that happend to me just last week which was creepy was.....

    I was haveing a really odd dream about being in a house with other people and a ghost appereing out of nowhere in the hallway. some how we got away but later that night [still in the dream] a different ghost appered right in front of me and had his hands around my neck trying to kill me.

    That part woke me up with a start to find a real ghost standing next to my bed... to say the least I had a hard time trying to get back to sleep

  4. I grew up in an old house with wooden stairs which creaked when you walked on them. I was in the bedroom in the 2nd floor. No one was in the third floor, although my grandmother's bedroom was there.. (she was deceased) I heard someone walking up & down the stairs. After I left for college 2 other people stayed in that room & heard the same thing.

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