
Has any ladies got bacterial vaginosis from sperm ejaculation or fluids that come from the male?

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I know that various things can mess up the ph of the v****a but has anyone ever experienced getting BV after sexual intercourse because of the fluids (s***n, sperm, or just fluids) that come out of the p***s. I'm not talking about STDs both people are disease free. What did you do for this issue. I mean if this is your monogamus partner or spouse you dont want to use condoms for the rest of your marriage or relationship.




  1. You can get bacterial vaginosis from having s*x.  The exact cause of BV is not known though.  Doctors still have a problem figuring that one out.  Some people confuse BV as an STD because you can get BV from having s*x.  I think that any bacteria on the p***s can stay inside of the v****a and mess with the PH levels and I also think sperm might change the levels of bacteria as well.  Douching and antibiotics can also contribute to BV.  

    If you are using lubrication you might want to switch brands.  Don't douche either please because that will just make things worse.  I'm not saying your partner is dirty but have him wash himself off before you guys have s*x and make sure you clean up before and after having s*x.  Yogurt is not proven to help or prevent BV but it's worth a shot.  

    BV is tricky sometimes.  If you have it and you haven't seen your doctor for antibiotics  you should go and get looked at.  They usually give you an antibiotic gel that's inserted into the v****a when you go to bed.  It's the only way to clear it out of your system.  

    **Actually, yes, sperm can create an odor when it's mixed with vaginal fluids.  Lots of women have complained about that.  Are you sure it's not just that happening after s*x?  It could just be that especially if the odor disappears after a while!  I mean, BV just doesn't clear up on its own.

  2. I have never heard of that.  I have heard of this happening to cause yeast infections but not a bacterial infection.  It could be that it's always introduced from outside the body like you genital area.  It could be that your v****a is very sensitive to bacteria and even the slightest change in the flora could lead to a full blown infection.

  3. Any time a foreign object (a p***s) is introduced into the v****a it carries bacteria with it.  You can get BV from s*x just because it introduces bacteria into the v****a - not necessarily from the sperm or fluids.  It helps to eat yogurt to keep the good bacterial balance.  If the good ones outnumber the bad one, the good bacteria usually win out and thrive.  

  4. This is not really an answer to your question but something you may want to consider.  When I was younger and more sexually active I use to have infection after infection.  I did everything recommended to prevent them. Additionally, after s*x and a few days later my VJ had a fishy odor.  Finally, I found the answer...No sperm!  I make the guy pull out before he ejaculates.  No more infections.  No more odor.  I think the odor is produced when sperm mixes with VJ fluids.    

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