
Has any military veteran found out that someone has used there social security number to join the service?

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The reason I ask is because my husband went down to apply for VA medical benefits, and they looked up his SS# on their website and found that somebody elses name was under that number. they wouldn't tell us his name,only that it was a foreign looking name, but said his birthday was in l954 (my husbands is l946) They tried looking up my husband number he had in the army and it didn't show up. they are investigating it now. So I looked into our credit report, nothing out of the ordinary. So veterans beware and keep a check on your military records.




  1. This is certainly interesting, but stuff like this unfortunately happens. Illegal immigrants, including those with expired visas, sometimes make up a SSN to make it look like they're actually citizens. Not the first time this has happened, and certainly underscores the importance of keeping track of your records!

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