
Has any of you guys seen a real life ghost? If yes then can you narrate the experience here? Thanx?

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Has any of you guys seen a real life ghost? If yes then can you narrate the experience here? Thanx?




  1. Holy c**p yes. And you would never want to encounter one XD They're very unusual.

    Well first of all....

    There's this dude that stands in the kitchen at night who used to be a black demon but somehow when i walk up to him he changes white (this is no joke) maybe i give him a warm feeling or something. He looked about 12 or 13.....

    He said "Hi" once and never came back since.

    Also, I can see the spirit of my dog out of the corner of my eye when watching TV or playing my DS. He lays under the coffee table, his favourite place to sleep when he was alive. And, sometimes, when I come home from school and no one else is home, I can hear his barking pattern.

    I was told by some answerers to my question that ghosts stay in a house if they have unfinished business, or want to protect you. I know that for my dog, but a 12 year old? What would he want with me?

    I may never know :(

    Anyways, my aunt has also encountered a ghost. This first one is minor.

    My cousin, who is about 3, was down stairs by herself in the basement when she wasn't supposed to be. My aunt went down there and brought her back upstairs and saw the lights flicker off down there and a white shape fly past the TV.

    And this one's got some proof.

    My same cousin, who is afraid of monsters still of course, gives the monsters at night "monster cookies" to make them nice. And then when they were done doing that, she said "Where Dale go?" That's the freaky part. The person's name who died there was Dale.

    In a later interview with her, I asked who Dale was, and she said "Dale is my friend"


    Freaky I know.


    Once in my friend's house, we saw the ghost of her cat while taking a video.

    And in like 2002 we saw the ghost, or shadow ghost, of a girl with a ponytail, with a hole where her heart was.

    Last one....

    One time, I was home alone at like 11 PM and I heard a knock at the door. Being the daredevil I am, I opened the door carefully and nothing was there. Either it was a ghost or a kid play Nicky Nicky Nine doors XD

  2. I've never seen an actually ghost no. I've heard one, yes. Twice in fact.

    The first time I was asleep and then just randomly woke up. So I was all like "why the heck am I awake?" Then I heard someone scream up the stairs "Get down here and clean up your mess" I was think "wtf, is that dad. nope this voice is higher in pitch". The voice then said "I SAID NOW". So like any mature adult I thought "s***w this" and hide under my blanket until morning.

    The second time was a lot diffrent. I was asleep (jeez why do they always wanna wake me up) and woke up to a noise again. This time it was 3 knocks. My new thought was "I'm tired and ignoring the ghost" So I went back to sleep.

  3. While I haven't actually SEEN one, I've heard, what I believe, was a ghost.

    My brother and I were out and about taking pictures at a local state park. We decided to go on further through the woods. Keep in mind, that this is in the middle of nowhere...We found a small cemetery that was surrounded by woods on three sides and a road on one side. You could see through the woods enough to know that there wasn't anything but woods around. We were the only car on the road and there was an abandoned barn about 1/4 mile up the road.

    We were just looking at all the tombstones and talking about this and that and I kept hearing a noise that sounded like giggling or laughing. I said nothing to my brother on the account that it was in my head, could be an animal "yowling" or whatever and I didn't want to give him any ideas (he's really into ghost hunting and such) to make him *think* he heard something he didn't really hear. I heard it again and he looked at me and I just said "what?" he said..."did you hear that?" I replied "'s prob. a cat or something" We stayed and looked around for a few more moments and then went back to the car. My door was on the side closest to the cemetery and the windows on the car were left down. Just as I was about to climb in the car, I heard a quite clear and audible "bye!!" It still gives me goosebumps...My eyes went wide and I looked at my brother and he said to me "Did you just hear someone say 'bye'"? I was kind of too freaked out to speak so I just knodded yes. When I got into the car, whatever it was, kept saying "Bye! ....BYE!!!!" right next to the if someone was standing right there!!!! It sounded like the voice of a small girl... my brother said "Bye!..." and then told me to do the same ...which I did, and then we got outta there real fast.

    It was so scary because there is NO way there was anyone else around without us seeing them, let alone any little girls. and if there were, how did her voice get directly beside my window?

    I'm a huge skeptic and pretty much doubt things like ghosts and such but this was too real to doubt. I guess you could say someone was projecting a voice out of something, but come the middle of the woods? not likely!

    Afterwards my brother told me, that night he kept having dreams about a girl (understandable) but the craziest thing is that he felt like something was sitting on his chest, crushing him to where he could hardly breathe and he smelled a strong odor of oranges...which he had none of in the house...weird!!!

    Other weird things have happened to us since then, but that was the most memorable.

  4. Yes i have, i was ridng in a car with my parents when i saw an old woman raking leaves in her front yard and there was a little girl about 7 or 8 standing behind her. She seemed to be dark skinned like either indian or mexican with long brown hair. Whell when we got to the point where we were directly in front of the old women the girl was gone but when we had passed her i looked back and the girl was standing there again just watching the old woman. I didn't tell my parents because it would have freaked them out, but it was cool.

  5. A Ghost is a Spirit which is a Soul the Etheric body that we use to Astral Travel so when we pass over that is what leaves the body. It is understood as a sort of life force body or aura that constitutes the "blueprint" of the physical body, and which sustains the physical body.

    Some people don't pass over because of unfinished business

    Or they just don't know they have died

    Or they didn't know to go to the light

    This is what people call a Ghost

    I call Earth bound Spirits, some call Lost Souls

    You also have a Spirit Guide which has been with you from the time you was born till the day you pass over : )

    Do you also know that people that Astral Travel are seen as ghost, so maybe people that are seeing ghost could they be just living people just exploring via Astral travelling : )

    Food for thought isn't it ?

    Nothing in life is to be feared, It is only to be understood.

    Love & Blessings


  6. Yes!!!

    When i was a little girl the ghost of a woman used to come and sit on my bed whilst i was sleeping. I could also smell her perfume.  Apparently she used to do it to my mum as well and the lady died in our house.

  7. Yes...unfortunately. I was a complete sceptic before moving 18th Century cottage 4 years ago. I've seen the image of a thick, black shadow of a skinny man 3 times now, the first 2 times were at night when I couldn't sleep and the third time was at about 6.30am in the summer, so it was bright and sunny in the room. The figure isn't transparent, it's jet black, with no features - my dad has seen it once and 6 of my friends have vowed never to stay over night round mine again because of load whispering, freezing cold temperatures (including summer) and having an experience of being physically pushed down onto the bed (usually during the whispering). My Fiance, my dad (he stayed over one night last year) and I have experienced the same things too.

    My Fiance and I have got into the habit of recording the temperature changes in our evening last year at the end of june, I was cooking dinner in my kitchen, the room temperature read 22 degrees C. My Fiance and I heard rattling furniture in our spare room. As we went upstairs, it turned very cold and the rattling stopped. It was so cold we could see our breath. We went down stairs and the temperature read 4 degrees C. It was cold for the next week, so we lit our fire one night when we had friends over. After a few hours, the fire had gone out and we were getting ready to go to bed. My Fiance put the fire guard over the fire place and knelt down to pick something off the carpet (about a metre away from the fire place). Our 2 freinds and I then watched the fire guard fly out and hit my Fiance on the back. It hit him hard enough to leave a mark.

    I'm not a sceptic any more.  

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