
Has any one been scuba diving b4?

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my brother wants me to go scuba diving with him and i have never been im so scared about sharks and stingrays is it safe or am i just being paranoid




  1. Take a discover scuba class through your loacl dive shop.  This will give you a feel for scuba, without the expense of certification. That will help you with some of your underwater fears.

    As for the marine life, no worries.  I've dove with sharks, barracuda, 'rays, huge grouper, and had no problems.  They will ignore you.


  2. If you have never been diving before, I hope your brother is an instructor.

    As far as crossing paths with the wildlife - it's no more dangerous than walking through your neighborhood.  Most of the time the wildlife is very interested in getting the heck away from those weird looking creatures making that awful bubble-blowing noise.  Leave the critters alone and they'll leave you alone.

    And, I hope you have a great time.  My wife's been a diver for 25 years.  I just got certified a few years ago and love it.

  3. You will not be eaten by a shark or stung if you do not bother the animals. I think you are being paranoid :]. I have been snorkeling, and snuba (kind of) diving before. The only thing i was afraid of was the breathing. You need to get the breathing right. Hope that makes you feel better about the stingrays and sharks!

  4. I'm a certified SCUBA diver, and when I first started, i was paranoid too! But it is a really great experience and you should get over your fears. Take this into account: 150 people die from falling coconuts each year, while only 15 die from shark attacks! Believe me once you get underwater, all of your fears fade away, and it is a really neat thing to do! Go for it!

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