
Has any one been to Costa Rica Lately? I am planning a vacation and need some advice...?

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We want to get a a all inclusive deal with free snacks, food, activities at the pool, snorkeling, zip lines, rain forrest, Jet Skiing, all of that good stuff. We are hoping to only pay about 800-900 dollars for this trip, then rent a car maybe. Who has had good experiences in Costa Rica?




  1. I'm costarican, but living in the US.

    Don't expect to pay $900 for a vacation including all of those things, just because Costa Rica is a small beautiful country doesn't mean it's inexpensive. If you want a vacation with those things you have to pay about $1500-2000. A car rental is expensive as well, depending on what features you want it to have. AC, electric windows, and 4x4 are more expensive than you think.

    Even though it may be a little pricey, I would suggest one day tours, they help you know the country a lot, since it's very small you can see a little bit of everything in a week.

    You can easily find food and snacks at the hotel BUT DON'T EXPECT THEM TO BE FREE!!Costaricans aren't morons.

    Jet skiing and snorkeling are available at the pacific coast, almost anywhere you go.

    Monteverde is a great option for rainforests, but it's a little pricey.

    I hope you enjoy your trip to CR if you go.

  2. I went to Costa Rica on a family vacation 3 years ago.

    My dad won a contest to stay at a guy he knew's personal 5 bedroom villa with an indoor pool.

    It was really amazing. We arrived in the country at the capital, and it was a three hour car ride to the villa up the side of a mountain. It was kind of scary too because you could look out the window and see like hundreds of feet down the side of a mountain! And all the cars drove really fast, but we drove slowly because we were unfarmiliar with the area.

    Thing that we did when we were there....

    - Zip Lining hundreds of feet above the rainforest. This was incredible, almost too beautiful to describe with words. It was really scary though, I wouldn;t reccommend it for kids under like 10 years old. If you do this, bring a disposable camera!!!! When we went, it was raining, so we couldn't risk getting our digital camera wet and ruining it, and we didn't have a disposable. I wish sooo badly that I could have had pictures from this amazing expirience.

    - Rainforest tour on horses. This was really cool, we got to see tree frogs and lots of cool stuff. And being on horses was really cool.

    - River tour. We saw TONS of alligators on this tour. It was about 2 hours long, and we even saw some monkeys!!!

    Overall, I had an amazing expirience in Costa Rica, and I think it was a great vacation. I hope you have fun there!

  3. Tripadvisor - Costa Rica

  4. 800-900 not enought $$$$$ sorry and no freebeeeeesss in Costa Rica

  5. I live in the paradise...  in Costa Rica.....

  6. Yes, i live and work here. There are no all-inclusive vacations in Costa Rica for $900, sorry. The cost of living is rising at a considerable rate of 11% so everything is much more than it was 4 years ago.

    There are some very beautiful beaches in the Northern Pacific Region of Guanacaste, and the NIcoya peninsula is where you find Mal Pais.

    Here you will find all sorts of info on these regions and the whole country, with hotels and tours and transport. Check it out to get an idea of the prices and what not.

    All the best

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