
Has any one been to polaris world b4 if so wot is it like?

by Guest44680  |  earlier

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Has any one been to polaris world b4 if so wot is it like?




  1. A building site.

  2. I don't live there but my friend does. I went there to visit them annd i saw it. It's very big, but houses r smaller, the beach is so far away from my friend lives. It's got 5 lakes, not 10... nd they have problems with water. Maybe in 5 years polaris world'll be fantastic but nowadays...LOL

  3. Its like a massive building site,not very inspiring at all at the moment.Its just a blot on the landscape

  4. I think that some other people are getting a bit confused. Polaris World is not the name of a place, it is the name of a developer. It is a bit like asking "What is Bovis Homes like" and for people to answer you "It's very nice" or "It's a building site".

    Polaris World has several resorts, there is "Hacienda de la Riquelme", "La Torre", "Mar Menor Golf Resort", "El Valle" and "Alhama de Murcia".

    They are all slightly different one from the other and they are all golf resorts.

    It is hard to describe what something is like to someone you don't know because it's hard to know what you like and what you don't like.

    If you like golf resorts and sun, you will probably find that there is a Polaris Resort that you like!

    I hope this helps.

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