
Has any one caught the train today?

by  |  earlier

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i caught the train today to leeds to be stopped by the police (bast*rds) under sec.44 of the terrorism act 2000! stop searched me and the lot! anyone else been stoped today in a train station???

i mean, how embarasing could it get. when your stood there arms out and all your belongings are on the floor, people looking and everything! i had to laugh tho, just to stop the embarasment! pathetic as i didnt even have a bag or coat!




  1. Get used to it. Unfortunatley there will be more occurances now of people being stopped. We have just been informed as Staff Reps for the railway that BTP are going to be given a quota of random stop and search, detector checks (electronic xray chacks etc) and sniffer dog searches of staff, public and customers and all major railway stations and terminuses in the UK.

  2. Were you carrying a box marked 'bomb'?!

  3. At lest BTP are now being see doing their job....

    Mind sorry that it ended up being you...

    I had a similar experience but not on a train, but walking into my local Tesco store. I took one look at the que's in the store and decided that I would do my shopping later walked out the door that I was standing by only to be stopped by a security guard who insisted on taking me to the managers office and accused me of shop lifting! Thing was that the guard ended up embarrassed as I had nothing that was sold in Tesco in my bags & he had to appolagise. Mind I did not go to that tesco for about 3 years afterwards and I started to  use Sainsbury's

  4. lol

    i feel very sorry for you as i know the staff at leeds arent that strict as just after the smoking ban came in there were a couple of officers sat on a bench INSIDE the station having a ***

  5. If it happens again and you put your arms out just say 'Alleluia' maybe you will realise they are doing a job to help you stay alive, hopefully anyway, and you will not moan so much. Everybody these days moans what the police do or don't do but never realise what they do for the good of this country. Grin and bare it like we all have to in these modern days

  6. Yep - i haven't seen this happen, but i know that there's going to be more people doing this sort of thing (checking, not being checked...although...)

  7. I'll be taking two trains today on my way to visit my brother and provide him with a weekend of "slave-labor" on the ranch.

    I've never been stopped at the station... then again, I'm a 43 yr old white male...

  8. Seen it quite a lot, usually they stop people for drugs etc.

  9. at least you got a train - in Germyn, about half of the trains across the country stand still because of strike!

    now that is funny

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