ok well i can tell you about mine, and you can add a story of your own or yeeahhh.....well if you want the truth,.... mine was horrribbllllllleeee!! i didn't know where any of my classes were, i got lost, and teachers had to guide me to each class!!! Quite embarassing when you walk in late and everyone is staring at you while you are quickly searching for an empty seat lol. Well the population of the school is like 2000 people and walking through hallways is extremely crowded, its like living in China....yeah..... so if you are short you are likely to get trampled by a heard of stampeding elephants( aka students, lol.) My schedule was all wonderful with the exception of two classes i strongly needed to change out of.,.,.,.,errrrrrr, oh yeah on the second day i had to lug around a heavy tote in addition to my allready ginormous backpack, so it was absolutly horrific since i had 4 textbooks, 2 in my heavy tote and 2 in my arms......it was absolutly dreadful walking home in 90F weather, i wasn't very lucky based on the location i was blessed with living in, because i had to take the school bus and in addition walk 2-3 miles to get to my apts. since i live far away.2-3 miles doesnt seem like much, but it is awful when you are carrying 60 pounds worth of textbooks and binders and you are severly dehydrated! I had blisters on my toes and my shoulders were aching soo much i could hardly move a muscle when i got home............. Is it just me or has anyone else had a really terrible first couple of days of school!?