
Has any one else had an honest paranormal experience??

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Has any one else had an honest paranormal experience??




  1. I was always interested in the paranormal and never dreamed I would ever have an experience. I even thought about joining an investigation group. I need to experience something myself to believe it because most people lie, exaggerate or misinterpret what actually happens. Less than a year ago I had my one and only experience. I thought I would have been scared but I actually found it amusing. I always thought I would be able to sense that a house was haunted but I was wrong. I am pretty sure it is an intelligent haunt.

  2. No

    Anything that exists only exists through interaction of the four fundamental forces of nature.  If not, there is no possible way for us to ever know about it, thus it does not exist in any meaningful sense of the word.  Things that interact through these forces are natural, as these are natural forces.

    The paranormal, by definition, does not exist.  It's all misinterpretation by people too eager to believe something that they set their rationality aside.

  3. Up until my 20s I didn't believe in ghosts. Shortly after my parents passed away, remarkable things started happening that defy ordinary explainations. Although my parents weren't believers and have never appeared to me, the phenomena was about as 'ghostly' as you could ask--objects moving, noises, lights. Over the years since then, I've been more attuned to unusual things, and on 6 occaisions total I've seen, felt and heard things that are right out of 'Twilight Zone'. I'm very interested in answers, and even willing to declare myself a paranormal investigator with first-hand experience in order to find out more. Life is bigger than we are taught in school. I must emphasize that one must be right with God, or else you are merely a dabbler in the occult and a patsy for Satan.

  4. I have never had a paranormal experience.  I have always wanted one.  But, alas, despite an early belief in things paranormal and taking effort to place myself in favorable settings for such events, nothing has yet to materialize.

    Sometimes it's someone's belief in the paranormal and their eagerness to experience it that causes someone to perceive something which they are quick to label as paranormal.

    Oh, and if you don't like the answers here, this question is asked daily.  Check the archives for additional answers.

  5. I do believe that I have been sought out  by ghosts on at least two occasions. Once when I was in the military I was sleeping on a WWII floating barracks and was literally spun around in my rack when I was trying to sleep (I was the only one in that part of the barracks) and another time when I was in an old house in France, and I would rather not even go into that story cause it still freaks me out. I was never a believer in that stuff until these incidents. Also, I had a close relative die and about a month later I got a phone call from them. I was so freaked out I hung up, but they called back and just wanted to tell me that they were okay and not to worry about them.

    anyway, here is a cool website with some stuff like that.

  6. I wrote one just moments after it happened and now I have a citation.  The story I told must have been too scary for Yahoo

  7. I have seen and experienced a ghost. I first felt a breeze then an entity walked past me and i had an overwhelming sense of sadness and hurt.

    I mainly feel the presence or disturbance than see.

  8. yeah a couple experiences that i cant a paranormal grup member ive had a lot of creepy things happen. ive gone into a house by my self and the kitchen draws were all closed which i have on tape and when i came back in to the house with more cameras everything was open. also in the same house u can here little kids playing and a baby crying in the middle of the night. weird but true. this house is in the middle of nowhere so no neighboors

  9. When I was 12, and was going through h**l in my home and school life due to violence at home and bullying I had an experience that still makes me wonder to this day. Its an experience that Ive always wanted to give to one of those paranormal books, so you've read it here first!

    Whilst in 7th grade for the second time, I had to stand up in class to do a presentation. For some reason I did not prepare for it. I have no idea why, maybe due to problems at home. In the build up to my turn to speak, I was in absolute panic as to what I was going to say or do! I vaguely remember the person in front of me coming to near a finish with theirs, then it was my turn..panic! Then it happened..The flouro light to the right and above me went into flames and melted! The whole school needless to say had to evacuate, and I never did have to do that presentation..

  10. i wish i had so jealous of ppl who say they have not fair lol

  11. yes, the first time i tried automatic writing, i felt a cold wind come from above and then my hand started to go crazy and i had no control over it, i killed the circulation to my hand and my hand stopped and the cold wind left me. that was not only the most crazy thing to happen to me but alot of people don't believe me.

  12. Yes I have...but I think they weren't honest on the other end. You have to be really careful dealing with the paranormal. You need to learn discernment. The problem's a "Catch 22"...In order to have have to learn from experience...and that can be very costly. (and I'm not talking about money) Bad experiences and being deceived can ruin your life.

  13. i wish i had so bad. then i could actually make up my mind 100%.

  14. yes, many many times.

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