
Has any one ever had an experience with a guardian angel?

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I believe in guardian angels, and i like hearing stories about people who have been helped,saved,or even think they seen an angel. So if you ever heard a story about a guardian angel feel free to tell me.




  1. this personal experience is actually what sparked my belief of the existence of guardian angels:

    i was in melbourne for a school trip, and in melbourne theres alot of trams in the city that rush past all the time. so one day we were waiting for our bus to pick us up, and the bus station was next to a tram railway. there was heaps of us on the footpath so i stepped onto the railway (i didnt know it was a railway). i was facing towards the opposite way of the railway, and then suddenly i was grabbed and pulled back and literally 2 seconds later a tram rushed past, just exactly where i was standing. then when i looked behind me, no one was there because the bus had come and everyone was on it.

    there was actually nobody behind me, and since then i have believed a have a guardian angel.

  2. No, I haven't.  But then again, I am not delusional.

  3. I personally have never had like a 'miracle' encounter with my guardian angel, but I still believe in them.

    I've heard stories from other people about when they were assisted or helped by them.

  4. What a great question to ask.  Yes I too believe in guardian angels.  Here is my story about  my Dad.  Last December my Dad had open heart surgery (by pass) and for the past 4 months or so he was not progressing in his recovery.  I kept telling his doctors that something was wrong with him.  Unfortunately his doctors did nothing for him. Then at his last appointment he had to see another doctor (his doctor was on vacation) and I believe with God's guidance she suggested he have some tests.  These tests revealed a dissected aorta and an aneurysm.  He was so sick that his surgeon could not believe that he was still alive.  After 12 LONG hours and 9 days of not waking up he is alive and well.  In fact I just brought him home two days ago and I am taking care of him. I do believe that his guardian angel was looking after him.  Not too many people get a second chance let alone a third chance.  I believe that God has been watching over him and protecting him.  

    I can't wait to hear other stories of faith and guardian angels.  

    Many blessings to you!

  5. I'm seriously thinking about firing my guardian angel.  

    1. He takes entirely too many smoke breaks.

    2. He has called in sick too many times. (This year his grandmother died 5 times.)

    3. His work ethic and job performance has been poor lately.  (He failed to warn me against buying that stock.)

    4. He likes to watch when I'm having s*x.  (I think I caught him slapping my wife's ***.

  6. I know sometimes I've had luck when I thought there was no way I was going to get out of the mess I got into...

    ...I know belief in the supernatural is very subjective, but my own subjective opinion tells me I think they are real...

  7. I once caught my kitchen curtains on fire. I was standing in front of my sink with a flaming pan of wax, when I put water on it the wax exploded. The curtains caught fire, wax was everywhere around me. On the sink, the front of the cabinets, the floor around me, the ceiling. I had not one singed hair.

    I firmly believe God was protecting me. 1Corinthians 6:3 tells us we will be judges of angels. I wonder if it is to judge the guardian angels who drop the ball (?).

  8. I am a Visionary Artist and have seen angels. I have painted a couple and talked with them. You don't need to believe that, but if you write to me, I'll send you a couple pictures.

    Guardians protect you until your higher self is ready to assume the position. They are with you as a back up after that. You have two angels through out your life time. A guardian and a recording angel, who records every thought, word and deed. My Guardians name is Ariel. My Guides name is Archangel Michael. Archangel Raphael has worked with me as well among others. It is true. Angels exist.

    Rev. TomCat

  9. No, sorry.

  10.   God tells us there are angels all around us..I would guess we have all been helped by them.. Some people are more sensitive to angels than others..Learn the truth about angels in the Conversations with God books by Neale Donald Walsch..

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