
Has any one ever heard of being color blind keeping someone from becoming a parole officer or related position

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Has any one ever heard of being color blind keeping someone from becoming a parole officer or related position




  1. Yes, my brother in law has always wanted to be a police officer since he was 9 yrs old. He has applied numerous times and passes everything until he gets to the medical exam and fails the color blind test. He has even gotten special contacts and still failed. He has his B.A. in Criminal justice and has put a lot of effort for the last 5 yrs trying to become a police officer. Finally, he was able to land a job with Los Angeles County Probation Dept. Because the dept doesn't require a color blind test... it's not what he wanted to do but at least he can carry an off-duty weapon... which he always does.

  2. I haven't heard of color blindness keeping someone from becoming a parole officer, but I have seen it happen for a police officer.  As a police officer, you must be able to discern all colors to accurately report everything from suspect description, car colors, etc.

  3. Yes, this is a common killer for hopes of being in any law enforcement position.

  4. Well I haven't heard specifically like your question. But, in my opinion, the lack of ability to distinguish colors has more deeper psychological and mental implication. If this is so, then how can he be able to distinguish the colors/cases of those who are to be paroled. Take the case of John Dalton.

  5. Parole officers had become blind on the violations of their persons under their custody.

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