
Has any one ever laughed at your dreams or goals?

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I am going to be a world traveling photo journalist one day. I have numerous awards for my writing and photography. I want to help people in the world. I will risk my life to discover a story that will help the group of people who have no voice or power.

After explaining this today, this cocky girl places her hand on my shoulder and says " that is such a little girl's dream. Call me when you grow up."

She proceeded to tell me that I will eventually only care about business.

I was so upset. I didn't know whether to cry or punch her in the face. I don't want to sound dramatic, but for some reason she tore my heart apart. I think it was because she told me that no matter what, I am like like everyone else and will become corrupt. She was talking about how she will sleep her way to the top in the bussiness world also. She was only half joking. I don't want any cheesy easy answers but I want to know if you've had an experience like this.

Details would be great

xo molly




  1. Obviously the soon to be corporate s**t does not know you, and therefore you have no reason to let her opinion mean anything to you .

      I think your aspirations are noble indeed could be prudent to saving lives.

    As a youngster I myself simply hoped to be a tourist traveling the world spending money and taking pictures while wearing funny looking clothes I did not care that it was not cost efficient , or feasible , it was just what I thought I would enjoy most so when people laughed they truly had a right because it was not well planed only sounded good to me.

       Anyway I do wish you all the best and I do hope hope all your dreams come true.  GOOD LUCK

  2. No one has ever laughed at my dreams, because my rather stern appearance discourages that, but I have received plenty of raised eyebrows, the 'Oh, really' kind of look. I have learned that when someone wants to put you down, nothing you can ever say is going to make any difference, so don't say anything. That means you need to learn to identify who are the people in your life who are really supportive and encouraging, reveal your dreams only to such people, and avoid answering or give flippant answers to the rest.

    The best advice I can give you is ignore what that girl said, forget it, move on with your life and your dreams, she is inconsequential. Learn not to be upset over such comments, develop a thick skin, if you think this is bad, wait till you actually start working on your dream, you'll be looking for riot gear (of course, with the kind of dream you have that might be literally true as well).

    Sleeping your way to the top of the business world is the stuff that movies are made of, it's a tried and failed strategy in the business world, because in business terms it is a strategy that lacks sustainable competitive advantage. I will not bore you with what that involves, you can look it up if you're interested, but trust me, she doesn't have it. You don't think Google, Microsoft or Wal-Mart were built by men who were that easy to manipulate, do you? They were actually built by men who had dreams just like you, and had the passion to make those dreams come true. Corrupt people are not as successful as we are made to believe, they just make good copy.

    She is right about one thing though, that is a kid's dream. Kids dream that a man can fly, stand on the top of Mt. Everest, or walk on the moon. That is where the greatest achievements of the human race originate from. Years from now, you're going to look back at this and say, 'I'm glad I never grew up'.

    You're doing something highly unconventional, the nail that sticks out will get hammered down, so be prepared to face the hammer. This is why you hear people say, 'Dare to Dream'...

  3. People who laugh at your dreams have no dreams of their own. People have done stuff like that because they believed the whole time that they could do it and no matter what happened they persevered.

    People are always going to try and influence your future. Sometime your parents will, in this case your friends will.

    In the ends she envies you becaus you have a dream, a vision of the way you want your life.

    I imagine myself solving my country's problem, while developing games with Blizzard. Crazy but can happen if i persevere.  

  4. Honestly, i have this sort of experiences many times in a small span of my life. I have found that there are lots of people around that try to dissuade others to pursue their passion and dream. You will become joke unless you stop hanging around such dumb heads . Please don't be upset! ordinary people cant digest extra-ordinary thoughts. Be around the 'The Real Friends' of your caliber who could encourage you to follow your dream with heart.

  5. You can fulfill your dreams but only if you work for it. Working for it means getting a job, saving and investing all you can to be able to retire young and live from your investments. Then you can follow your dreams.

    Until then you are stuck in reality like the rest of us.

    Edit: Does not apply if you are already rich.

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