
Has any one ever siad a dirty comment to a teacher?

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Has any one ever siad a dirty comment to a teacher?




  1. OF COURSE SOMEONE HAS SAID A DIRTY COMMENT! There are like 6 billion people in the world. One of them has got to have said something.

  2. Yes we ust to have a kid in our class and he was so rude I say stay on a teachers good side it really helps that's what he should have done he ended up beaning expelled from school because he told a teacher to F*** off and then flicked her off. Hope this helps.

  3. hahahah!! NO! My mom's a teacher, and she would find out in a flash. Not kidding. I live in a small town, and everyone knows everything so quickly, it's like everyone's in the same room. lol!

    Good question though. I can't wait to see some other answers. ^-^

  4. All the time.  I'm a teacher and hear comments every day.  "That smells like S***".  "I smell A$$" are a few.  Some I can't even come close to mentioning.

  5. Ha ha ha, many times, especially if the teacher is hot! I found it fun to scare them in that way. I never had an affaire with a teacher though, i didn't want to go that far.

  6. I think just about everyone at one time or another has told a teacher what he/she can do (Bleep Off).

  7. 1. Do you eat fur?(accident)

    2. Did you ever drop the soap?

    3.Conversation with science teacher about panties.

    4.Asked what sodomy was

    5. Where do babies come from?(we knew)

  8. I did

  9. yh loads of times one time i sed to a teacher that he was a virgin and he sed to me have you got a older sister!

    but i have got into trouble a lot as well so its best advised to stop it while you can

  10. Lol! great question. When I was in HS I had a very cute teacher well, there was a group of us who all though he was cute we were all sitting together talking and I decided I would really let my friends know what I though of my Hot hot gym teacher. Ummm... I let all my girls know and couldn't figure out why my girls didn't chime in. Little to know he was right behind me smiling and as I turned around BRIGHT red and felling so so so humiliated he said it's OK and we all laughed it off. Man o man talk about embarrassing OMG! lol

  11. i told one of my teachers to **** off but he wasn't supposed to hear that haha

    and my teacher from hich school (i'm in college now) had just started and she was 23 and starting her career and when i went back to my high school to visit i told her i'd like a date with her and we went out and well. what a great night if ya know what i mean ;)

  12. yh my friends say things like "i loved your trousers, it really brings out the shape of your d*ckk.."

  13. No, but in the first class I wrote a word at he wall, without understanding what it means ! (It was a very dirty word for the female gender !) As my mum were called from the Teacher, she couldn't believe what she heard !

    :- D

  14. Yes .. a lad in my class said to our substitue science teacher "Have u ever had a spam javelin with mayonaise?!"

    Omg it was so funny x

  15. umm yes and no. he wasn't suppose to hear....

  16. Yes but only by accident.

  17. never and for god sake never do it also

  18. yes and i got suspended for 3 days for it.. ehh it wasa vacation to me.

  19. yup hahaa its dead funny

  20. I told my art teacher I thought he had a cute butt. And that if I were a few years older I would date him.

  21. No that would look S****y to me and at the same time kind of like a** kissing.

  22. Yes, I went to an alternative school (for bad kids) and they didn't care what you said. I called my math teacher a *******, because he was.

  23. yes i did, and i went to detention for it

  24. Yeah i said summit about his dead dad. thats sounds nasty. i was talking to my mate about summit my dad said and my teacher said shut up we dont want to know about your dad and i said back to him atleast i have a dad.

  25. We talks dirty all the times

  26. yes

  27. yea, a long time ago..."you mysterious hideous  creature!!"

  28. I called one of my teachers a troll once.

  29. In today's school environment? Many times a day.  Teachers are often beat up after school  also. Unlessyou are a martial arts artist, I would not recommend teaching as a career.

  30. LOL, my friend has long hair, and our really fat maths teacher hates him. he get's lots of questions wrong, she get's really angry and says " Look Chewbacca, you better start getting these questions right or your getting moved down a set " so then he said " Shut up Jabba! " LMAO sorry, i think this is funny ^^

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