
Has any one experienced this, mom please answer?

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Am 8month and 2weeks pregnant, my baby weights 7pounds and doctor think she weights more he wants me to see an ultrasound specialist because he think that she is bigger than 7pounds. Am wondering has this happen to any one else my due date is suppose to be on sept 13 but it seems like is going to be sooner am more concern about her weight how come she soo big...




  1. the bigger the baby the healthier it is. so you are probably eating right and what not so the baby is thriving. congrats

  2. 7lbs is actually below average. If your baby is 7lbs now and gains 1/2 lb per week until birth it will be around 8-8 1/2 lbs. If it is a little bigger, say under 10 1/2lbs i think you would be OK. Anything above that and you may have a problem birthing it. He's probably just trying to make sure it's not too big. I was told I was going to have an 11lb baby and he was 7lb5oz.  

  3. well you might be further along than expected!!why would the doc refer you to a specialist?thats what they specialize in and should know!!!!

  4. I would skip the ultrasound and go into the hospital when necessary (labor pains, blah, blah) prepared for c-section or natural delivery.  Birthing a large baby has a lot to do with your body structure, too. I gave birth to two big children - 12lb 5oz and 10lb 14oz - and both were vaginal.  My OB knew I could do it though when she examined me down there - I have wide hips, could stretch well, etc.  Another woman I know is very small and she had a 11lb baby, but it was a c-section with the same OB.

    One way or another, the baby will come out and your OB will take care of it when the time comes.

  5. Ultrasound weights are NOT accurate, and thus i would definately not be panicking at this point. They told me my son was going to be big, about 8-9 lbs. He was 11 lbs 2 oz. They booked me for a c-section at 37 weeks 5 days, because they knew he was big. I wouldn't worry too much. They will do what's best for baby, and if that means having to induce you early, so be it. As long is it is safe and healthy for you and baby. The baby may just end up a perfectly average 7 pound baby! Ultrasounds are merely estimates, and therefore you cannot strictly go by that.

  6. We had our baby boy exactly at 38 weeks and he was 9 lbs and the u/s was right on!  Sooo don't worry, big babies are beautiful too!!!

  7. Doctors are notoriously incorrect when predicting birthweight. You don't know what your baby weighs until it comes out. Anything before that is just an estimate.

    My first was estimated to be 5 pounds or less. My second was estimated to be 9-10 pounds.

    They were both 8 pound babies!

    Don't worry! Everything is fine.

  8. That's gonna be a big healthy baby. Make sure you' re drinking plenty of water. My doc put me on a diet when I was pregnant but I didn't listen as long as I knew I was eating healthy food and drinking plenty of water. My daughter was almost 9 lbs. She is now normal weight and very tall.

  9. Dont worry my cousin just gave birth to a 9 pound baby and she did it vaginally too! Every baby is different and it could possibly be that you will give birth a little sooner. Remember that the date the doctors tell you when the baby is due is not always right!

  10. those tests are never accurate anyways....don't let it freak you out, how much have you gained?

  11. That's fine - she's just a big baby! My daughter weighed 8 lb 13 oz when she was born 6 days overdue. Being big doesn't mean they come early - it also doesn't mean you need a c-section, so don't let them try to tell you that! Just relax and enjoy your last few weeks of being pregnant.

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