
Has any one had a bed wetting problem their whole life? ?

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I've had a problem with wetting the bed my whole life I'm 18 now, and I inhairitted this problem from my grandmother. She had the problem her whole life and she died at age 56. If any one can help me find some thing to help make this problem better then please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks .




  1. dam you too i thought i was the only one

  2. Yes, I'm a young adult and have struggled with this on and off my whole life as well.  I've tried all the usual "treatments" and some have helped, others not so much, but it's never gone away completely.  There's no easy cure but there are things that can be done to help.  Bedwetting alarms and bladder muscle exercises are probably the most effective things (from what I've read and tried), but they take time to work and don't help the same amount for everybody.  A lot of it depends on whether you wet very often (almost every night) or only occasionally, and whether you have any other problems controlling your bladder during the day, or just at night.  It could also depend on the exact cause of your problem (which you probably inherited from your grandmother) -- whether it's physical with your bladder, or your sleep patterns, hormones, or whatever else might affect it.  A urologist is probably the best person to see, but if that's not feasible, try looking up bedwetting alarms and bladder exercises on Google and see what you find.  I've personally tried those and many other things; if you want to ask me more you can contact me through my profile.

    I really hope this gets better for you.  Don't be ashamed whatever you do, this isn't your fault and you're not alone!!  Good luck!

  3. Hopefully pee is your boyfriends fetish

  4. Relax, here's the cure:

    Good luck!

  5. well i've never had this problem but i know that you can go to the doctor and they can actually give you medicine for it. you take it before you go to bed or something. i read about it in a book about what doctors do nd stuff cos i wanna be  doctor (:  

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