
Has any one had a problem with guppies?

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I had 4 guppies once. They all died one day after another. The tank was cycled and everything but they just.. died. The pet store guy said that the water was "too clean" and that they like dirty water. Is this true? I have been afraid to get them ever since but they are such cute, pretty fish. Have you ever had a problem with them? What is their basic information? Thanks. =)




  1. test your water dood ok that way say way

  2. too clean LOL there is no such thing

    unless you mean the filter then yes a filter can be too clean

  3. I had three guppies. Within a week I lost them all. The male was sitting at the top of the water. The first female had some weird white spot on its pectoral fin, and the other female seemed fine. Then in a tottally seperate tank, 4 months later, I lost one for no apparent reason (caudal fin seemed a bit torn but not fin rot), and I just lost one today (last night the guppy had its caudal fin pointing down but no other symptoms).

    I have about 13 feeder guppies that I am trying to get rid of. No deaths. Maybe it is like dogs. When you get a pure breed they have so many more health complications.

    Beyond those I have lost an eel and a platy.

    There is no aggression in the tank. There are 4 tiger barbs but I watch the tanks over TV. I have never seen inter-species aggression.

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