
Has any one had problems with contaminated Caltex petrol in the last couple of weeks?

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I bought a full tank of caltex vortex petrol on 27/12/07 and since then my BMW has been shaking when stationary; spluttering when climbing uphill and overall poor engine performance. What should I do????




  1. Found this but it should be over by now but you can add a fuel additive to help out the situation.

    July 10, 2007 09:07am

    Article from: Reuters

    MOTORISTS who bought unleaded petrol from three outlets on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula over the past month have been warned their fuel may have been contaminated with diesel.

  2. Down in the latrobe valley its been a constant problem with certain brands of fuel for some time only thing to do is try to run it through as quick as possible and then it will take a couple more tank fulls to get your car back to normal

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