
Has any one heard about flick r deleting all adult photos?

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  1. That wouldn't suprise me as I got a notice from Yahoo! today saying my profile pics were going to be delted because my profiles are designated as "adult", so they assume the photos are racy (they aren't, I just do that to minimize contact from minors through my profile).

  2. Their community guidelines state:

    Don’t forget the children.

    Take the opportunity to filter your content responsibly. If you would hesitate to show your photos to a child, your mum, or Uncle Bob, that means it needs to be filtered. So, ask yourself that question as you upload your photos and moderate accordingly. If you don’t, it’s likely that one of two things will happen. Your account will be reviewed then either moderated or terminated by Flickr staff.

    Don’t show nudity in your buddy icon.

    If we find you doing that, we’ll remove it and send you a warning. If we find you doing it again, we’ll terminate your account.

    Also Yahoo is letting people know that even in the Adult catagory adult pictures in the profile will be removed.

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