
Has any one heard of having to buy a licence for listening to the radio or your own cds at your place of work,

by  |  earlier

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well i just have , in my local paper,some poor man who runs a 1 man garage has had a bill for £100 as it is apparently illegal to play copyright music in a public place, one man even got a bill for playing his own cds at work. What a dictatorship country this is becoming, any thing to keep the worker under the the thumb.




  1. I used to live opposite a workshop which played a radio loudly all day to amuse the 24 workforce.The company were fined for not having a public performance licence. Peace reigned for a few weeks ,until a licence was purchased ,then the noise started again.The neighbours did`nt want Radio 1 all day in their homes and gardens so had a 2yr legal  battle to have the company turn it down..One night the workshop burnt down,we never found out who did it,but as far as our street was concerned they were a local hero.

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