
Has any one heard of the "mark of death" or being marked, and where I can learn more about it???

by  |  earlier

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I had taken some photos and in almost 95% of them I have a red 1/2 cirlcle, orb looking thing on my back. When a friend of mine saw them he told me that I had been marked. Now I have to tell you, all through out my life I have had pictures that come up with the same mark. So I am a little curious. So I went online, and I cannot find ANYTHING on it. Please if you have any refrences I could check out, or any info on this let me know! Thank you




  1. You may be referring to the xbox malady.

    If you are referring to some paranormal or psychic activity, then, I suggest that you search deep inside yourself for a solution, because what you describe is not of the real world, but only in the world of imagination and fantasy.

    Which is cool.

  2. Have you been mistaken for a cow or some sort.

    sorry sorry sorry sorry.

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