
Has any one known of a person allergic to caffeine break out in blisters in her vaginal area?

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she is younge she tales valtrex used to treat she lyin or is this possible




  1. I wouldn't say she is lying on purpose. Of course caffeine can't cause this kind of breakout, however she may think it does. That just makes her wrong, not a liar.


  3. No, this is not possible. She probably does indeed have herpes. Just embarrassed about it. It could have been passed on to her from her family members, like maybe her mom didn't know she had it when she gave birth to her, or she could have gotten it having s*x with someone, or depending on how young she is, she could have been molested. Try not to make a big deal of it, my best friend has it, and it's hard enough on her without people making a big deal about it.

    It is possible to pass herpes even while on Valtrex. Talk to the guys she is dating and just tell them to make sure to use a condom, if they ask why, just let them know it's a good idea. Also talk to her, ask her if she is using protection. Tell her it is selfish not to do so. I had the same problem with my best friend, and after the talk she started using protection. I know you may feel worried or think you can do something to prevent your friend's mistakes, but you just need to put your two cents in and leave it at that. Some people just don't care enough about other people to protect them, and that's not your fault. Good luck!

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